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“我看大湾区” | 广州暨大港澳子弟学校与香港拔萃女书院、拔萃女小学举行两文三语演讲友谊赛

发布者:广州暨大港澳子弟学校 2023-05-19 17:13:31






拔萃女書院 李如伊












Hong Kong

Revolutionary, diverse, elegant. This is Hong Kong architecture. This is why, in my opinion, Hong Kong is the most beautiful concrete jungle in the world.

Hong Kong’s architecture is revolutionary: Skyscrapers in Hong Kong are futuristic with cutting-edge design. Look at the Jockey Club Innovation Tower, which has unrivalled fluidity from its streamlined form. It stands out with its remarkable white colour, and is described as a “new driving force” in Hong Kong’s architecture.

Hong Kong’s architecture is diverse: buildings in Hong Kong adopt a variety of styles. Standing in Central is the court of final appeal building. Its columns and pediment are heavily influenced by ancient

Greek architecture. It creates a stunning contrast with nearby modern buildings, enhancing the diversity of architecture in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong’s architecture is elegant: traditional Chinese ideas of elegance in architecture are well preserved. Take Wong Tai Sin Temple as an example: The Temple incorporates traditional Chinese architecture elements such as vibrant warm colours, as well as symmetrical designs inspired by feng shui. These traditional bits in Hong Kong architecture further highlight Hong Kong’s unique history and city development.

Welcome to Hong Kong, the city of revolutionary, diverse, and elegant architecture.



拔萃女書院 蔡沛殷







沿着珠江滾滾流水而下,江河與大海相連,而在珠江口的西邊, 正是澳門。






To the east of the Pearl River Estuary lies the Pearl of the Orient -- Hong Kong.

Perhaps what comes to mind first is the modernity of Hong Kong -- the array of shopping malls that draw millions of people here every year. Perhaps it’s the stunning, panoramic views tourists enjoy from skyscrapers and hilltops. Perhaps it is the scenery of Victoria Harbour at night, the myriad of lights from the buildings lining the coast.

But there is more for tourists across the harbor, in the deeper corners of our city. It is the warmth of a bowl of hearty wonton noodles, the aroma of steaming hot egg waffles, the sweetness of an egg tart when it melts into your mouth. Every time I walk past these small local shops, I am in awe of the care they put in safeguarding traditions that have been passed onto them generation by generation. And I know there is a story for every store owner. A story of tradition. A story of heritage. A story of history. A story of the love of Hong Kong culture. Tradition. Heritage. History. Culture. These are the things that remind us not to forget our roots as the world progresses onwards.

Like how the Pearl River meets the sea, it is the confluence of our past and present that shape the Greater Bay Area to be the thriving economic and tourist hub it is. It is undoubtedly our shared history and culture that brings us together, and it shall be our collective desire for growth that will propel us forward in the years to come.

Thank you.



拔萃女小學(小五丙) 周倬鈴


澳門 (普通話)



廣州 (廣東話)


廣州係中國南方一個非常重要嘅城市同商業中心。佢同我哋香港一樣,都係講廣東話㗎,所以特別有親切感。加上,我哋而家搭高鐵駛兩個鐘就到,真係好方便㗎!廣州其實係中國四大古都之一,已經有 2 千幾年嘅歷史以嗰度有好多名勝古蹟,好似建於清朝嘅陳家祠,佢集中咗 廣東民間嘅建築特色,有好多工藝精湛嘅裝飾藝術,每年都會吸引唔少遊客嚟觀光㗎!同時,廣州亦都係一個發展得非常快嘅城市,被譽為中國十大變化最大城市之一。不過,我相信最為人熟悉嘅,應該就係「食在廣州」呢一句說話喇,因為廣州真係有好多美食㗎,特別係廣東菜就最出名,好似有香噴噴嘅燒味、茶樓嘅傳統點心,而我最鍾意食嘅就係叉燒包同埋燒賣喇,仲有各式各樣嘅街頭小食,好似腸粉同牛雜起呢都流曬口水呀!不如就等我哋約埋一齊去廣州玩啦!

Hong Kong

Lastly, let me introduce Hong Kong to you. Hong Kong is a famous shopping paradise and food haven. But today, I’d to show you another fascinating side of this place I call home. Did you know it’s only a half-hour drive from the hustle and bustle of the city into the countryside, which covers over seventy percent of our land area? On weekends, my parents and I would saunter along the popular hiking trails, and I remember visiting the Plover Cove Country Park, where the famous Bride’s Pool waterfall is surrounded by dense woodland. When I admired it up close, I was captivated by the power of the cascading waterfall, and the beautiful sound of the tumbling water.

This is the perfect place where we can immerse ourselves in the tranquillity and the breath-taking beauty of nature.

Another famous attraction is of course the Victoria Harbour, which is the heart and

soul of this metropolitan city. The turquoise harbour is flanked by the iconic, world-stunning skyscrapers. With the recent development of promenades along the coast, you can now jog, and even cycle along the waterfront to enjoy the spectacular view of the Victoria Harbour.

Hong Kong is a unique destination that offers a perfect blend of modernity and natural beauty. So why don’t you come and experience it for yourself?



郭雅文 (G6-1)



There are too many introduction cards about Foshan. It is an ancient historical and cultural city capable of arts and crafts. It is a paradise of delicious food, a tourist attraction, a collection of silk products, a world of ceramics, and a place that I have been longing for several times.


After eating, we can take a night tour of the Pearl River and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lights on both sides. After arriving at Haixinsha Pier, we can climb the world-famous Canton Tower. Standing on a high place, the night view of the whole city is dazzling.


Now, Let’s move on to Hong Kong, an amazing city that is not only a Special Administrative Region of China but also a significant city within the Great Bay Area. Hong Kong today is a flourishing international metropolis, which is well run, clean and beautiful.


香港历史与文化在悠久的时间冲刷下,留给了人们的文明文化,不论是现代化的繁华街道,还是具有理想主义气息的文学市场,抑或豪华奢侈的购物街道,都让来过香港的人流连忘返、惊叹不已。 香港,正因为有了历史的沉淀,才拥有了现在的韵味

Hong Kong is a city that brims with vitality and innovation, and we have no doubt that it will continue to aid in the prosperity and development of the Greater Bay Area.I believe that in the future, we will have more opportunities to communicate and feel the charm of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.



黎映彤 (G11-2)

Good morning, dear principal, teachers, and fellow students,

I am Antonia 黎映彤 from ASJ. 今天我的演讲主题是「我看大湾区」。




不知道大家有没有听过一首歌?就是张天赋的《老派约会之必要》。「该怎么初次约会实在极费思量」。不用想了,永庆坊就是一个好去处。恩宁路的骑楼连通整条老街,沿着街道悠闲散步,走累还能去荔枝湾大戏台听场广式 Live Show。

广州亦是一座热爱科技创新的城市。 上天、下海,入地、探微,科技征途上四件「最难之事」都有广州科技的身影。广州有多个青年创新创业基地,天河区港澳青年之家创业基地于2017年成立,是一站式的双创平台,为穗港澳青年提供创业、实习、交流、生活等支援服务。




It only takes 40 minutes to travel from Dongguan to Hong Kong by high-speed rail, which is 38 minutes faster than my usual commute from Tuen Mun to Ma On Shan by the West Rail Line. The vision of the Greater Bay Area's ‘one-hour living circle’ is truly a marvel.  

As I stepped onto the footbridge leading to the Elements from the West Kowloon station, I was greeted with a scene unique to Hong Kong. Before me stood the Kwai Tsing Container Terminals, one of the world's busiest ports, symbolizing Hong Kong's prosperity and success in commerce.  

If we walk for another ten minutes, we will arrive at M+. The new cultural landscape houses a vast collection of cultural treasures from around the world. Standing within its walls, we can see the world beyond.  

As an international city in the Greater Bay Area, we offer a business environment, which is supported by a well-established legal system, a flourishing market that is backed by a robust financial system, and a well-developed infrastructure. In Greater Bay Area, we play a crucial role as part of the country's policy of Opening Up to the Outside World.




泽彤 (G9-3)



First of all, Guangzhou is where I live. Sometimes called the Flower City, it is a colorful city with flowers in bloom all year round and the charm of Kapok flowers are everywhere during March. The Kapok flower is the floral symbol of Guangzhou. It embodies the spirit of Guangzhou and its historical and cultural significance, and its characteristics represent the city’s resilience, vitality, prosperity and rich history of cultural exchange. People in this city like the culture of “drinking tea” which means having dim sum and drinking Chinese tea. From a young age, I would follow my grandparents to drink tea in the old city of Guangzhou; hearing the Cantonese opera songs on TV in the dim sum houses is always a welcoming reminder you are in Guangzhou. I grew up with a love of the sea and was introduced to the sport of sailing as the Pearl River flows out of Hong Kong through Guangzhou and into the sea. I often challenged myself to participate in various sailing competitions. The excitement of the sea is something you can't enjoy on land, and the lapping of the waves refreshes you. In the Pearl River area of Nansha, you can often see our training boats sailing in the sea. It is also because of sailing that I have found what I want to do in life; firstly, to bring more awards to the team, and secondly, to gain my footing in sailing.





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