The HKU-PKU “Future Leaders” Dual Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Finance and Management programme is jointly offered by the HKU Business School of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the Guanghua School of Management of the Peking University (PKU). This programme is designed to nurture first-class business leaders and cultivate their global perspective with intimate understanding of China. Students will spend the first two years at HKU and another two years at PKU. Upon successful completion of the Dual Bachelor’s Degree programme, students will receive a Bachelor of Economics and Finance (BEcon&Fin) degree from HKU and a Bachelor of Management (BMgmt) degree from PKU.
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Programme Highlights
·First and the only Dual Degree programme with focus on Economics, Finance and Management offered by two top universities in the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong
·Get two degrees in four years from two leading universities in Asia
·Capitalise on the strengths of two world-class universities: PKU is ranked 17th in the world, 2nd in Asia and 1st in China in the QS World University Rankings 2024; HKU is ranked 26th in the world, 5th in Asia and 1st in Hong Kong in the QS World University Rankings 2024, and the 1st in the Times Higher Education World’s Most International Universities 2023
·Acquire unique cross-cultural experience through learning and living in both the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong
·Pave ways for career opportunities in the global job market by gaining knowledge and experience of China, a major commercial partner of many entities in developed and emerging economies alike
·Become part of a privileged group of students who can exclusively enjoy resources from both universities including facilities and enrichment programmes
·Prior knowledge in Mandarin Chinese is not required as the programme will be taught in English, yet students will also have the chance to learn Mandarin Chinese in their third and fourth years at PKU
Programme Structure
The total number of credits for this Dual Degree programme will be 294 HKU credits. Students will be required to complete 150 HKU credits of courses in the first two years of studies at HKU and the remaining 144 HKU-equivalent credits of courses in the third and fourth years of studies at PKU. (Note: The credit requirement is for reference only and may be subject to review and change from time to time.)
Fees and Scholarship
Students will pay the HKU tuition fee (i.e. HK$42,100 (provisional) for local students and HK$182,000 for non-local students admitted in academic year 2024-25) for the years of studies at HKU.
Local students admitted through JUPAS will be automatically considered for entrance scholarship from the HKU Business School based on their result obtained in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination.
The Guanghua School of Management will fully cover the PKU tuition fees and provide free accommodation as well as a monthly living stipend to students during their third and fourth years of the Dual Bachelor’s Degree programme.
Medium of Instruction
All the courses, except Chinese language courses, offered under this Dual Degree programme will be taught in English. However, depending on students’ Mandarin language proficiency, they can also choose to take courses taught in Chinese at PKU.
Annual Intake and Eligibility
The Dual Bachelor's Degree programme will accept up to 5 students each year.
Application for Admission in 2024-25
Interested students should complete an online application and submit it together with the supporting documents** for consideration by the deadline indicated below:
学校电话:(852) 3917 5343
学校地址:HKU Business School Room 401, 4th Floor, K.K. Leung Building