This dual degree of Bachelor of Laws at HKU and Bachelor of Laws at PKU shall normally require ten semesters of full-time study, i.e. five academic years of full-time study. Students admitted to this dual degree programme at HKU will spend the first two and a half years at HKU and a further two and a half years at PKU. Upon successful completion of the whole programme at both HKU and PKU, candidates will obtain an LLB degree from the respective institutions, i.e. HKU LLB (common law jurisdiction) and PKU LLB (civil law jurisdiction).
- 学校名称 :
- 英文名称 :
HKU-PKU Dual Degree Programme in Law
- 学校性质 :
- 开设阶段 :
- 是否住宿 :
Students admitted at HKU shall follow the following syllabus:
First Year (66 credits)
48 credits in Professional law courses
12 credits in language enhancement courses
6 credits in Common Core course
Second Year (72 credits)
66 credits in Professional law courses
6 credits in Common Core course
Third Year (first semester) (36 credits)
36 credits in disciplinary electives
Third Year (second semester), Fourth and Fifth year (at PKU)
Common and Foundational Courses: 38 credits
– University-wide Compulsory Common Education Courses: 18 credits
– Disciplinary Foundational Courses: 20 credits
Disciplinary Compulsory courses: 38 credits
Disciplinary Elective courses: 15 credits
Graduation Internship: 2 credits
Graduation Dissertation: 3 credits
This dual degree programme looks for high-quality applicants from either Hong Kong or Mainland China for admission. Eligible Hong Kong applicants should submit their application via HKU Law, whereas mainland students sitting for GaoKao should apply for this dual degree programme via PKU Law.
To be eligible for admission into this dual degree programme, applicants must satisfy ALL of the following criteria:
·Hold a valid Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents (Home Return Permit) and are not a student from Macau;
·Complete senior high schooling in Hong Kong; and
·Have a high level of proficiency in both spoken and written Chinese (Putonghua) and English.
Notes for all applicants
·There is no separate JUPAS or non-JUPAS code for the HKU-PKU Dual Degree Programme in Law.
·Applicants who have applied for this programme and for the HKU LLB programme will be considered for both programmes.
·In view of a small annual intake for each university, admission to this rigorous, challenging and demanding programme will be highly selective. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an admissions interview by the Panel comprising HKU Law and PKU Law members in late March / early April.
·Personal statement submitted via email shall not be entertained.
·Late applications will not be considered.
·All information regarding this Dual Degree is subject to change without prior notice. Please check the website for the information of this programme from time to time.
学校电话:(852) 3917-2951