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发布者:新哲教育集团 2020-02-20 11:57:03




Vice Principal:Tremayne Gibson




5 Quick Tips 

    for Surviving Life Under Quarantine    


2019-nCoV, the novel coronavirus, has given us a not so auspicious beginning to the new year. Travel and commerce around the world have been slowed, and for millions throughout China life has seemed to freeze altogether. That’s certainly true for the tens of millions of students and teachers who are now stuck at home for the next few weeks as campuses across the country remain on lockdown. For students out there who may feel a bit frustrated, confused, or overwhelmed by current events, I offer the following quick tips for how to structure your life while under quarantine.


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   Tip 1    

Practice Proper Hygiene!


Taking steps like frequently washing your hands (with soap!) and covering your mouth and nose are REALLY important for helping to contain the spread of the coronavirus. It’s a respiratory disease, so it jumps from person to person via your mucus either through a cough or sneeze or on your hands when you cough or sneeze (or wipe your face) onto them. Wearing masks can help with this and in the event that you don’t have one just be sure to cover your sneezes and coughs with your shirt sleeves or handkerchiefs. To be honest, none of these actions are special, you should be doing these things regularly anyway just as a matter of practicing proper hygiene and being a well-mannered person.

Why begin my tips by saying all of this? Well, you’ll be totally useless in class if you get sick, so first things first: stay healthy!


   Tip 1    

Practice Proper Hygiene!




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   Tip 2    

Keep Your Routine


Probably the worst part of being forced to stay home and take online classes is the potentially destructive effects it can have on your psychology. Our daily routines are very important to our mental health. Structured days keeps us happy, motivated, and productive. The worst thing you can do during this time of online classes is treat the situation as if it were a vacation.

Your goal should be to replicate the conditions of your normal school schedule as closely as possible. This includes a normal sleep schedule, attending all of your regularly scheduled (now online) classes, and eating your meals at the times you normally eat them. If you’re really committed, you’ll even take the extra step of actually getting dressed in your school uniform every day. All these steps will influence your psychology, helping you to feel calmer and more in control. You will find resisting the temptations of distractions like video games easier, and ultimately you will have a much easier time transitioning back to normal school life once campuses inevitably reopen.


   Tip 2    

Keep Your Routine




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   Tip 3    



Daily exercise is one of the keys to staying healthy both mentally and physically, so it should definitely be incorporated into your routine. Mentally speaking, exercise is proven to help fight the effects of stress and depression, both of which may be elevated under current quarantine conditions. It can also help release some of your pent-up or restless energy after having been trapped in your apartment for such a long time. Physically, exercise keeps all the parts of your body strong and working properly, especially your immune system. If you want to go outside for run that should still be ok even under current conditions, so long as you wear a mask. But if your situation prohibits all forms of outdoor activities there’s still much you can do indoors such as Taiichi, yoga, calisthenics, or even following along to an aerobics video.


   Tip 3    




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   Tip 4    

Stay Engaged!


Even under the best conditions in school, it’s tempting for students to try to hide among the crowd and avoid participating in class. With online learning that problem gets magnified by a lot. It’s very easy for students to hide and for teachers to overlook individuals. To get the most out of your online classes you need to stay engaged and you do so with the following steps.

  • Keep your camera switched on so your face is visible throughout the whole class. If you feel you’re being watched, you’ll be less likely to get distracted by things unrelated to class.

  • When you have a question or don’t understand something, speak up and let your teacher know. It’ll be hard for your teacher to notice you like they can in the classroom when all they see are tiny boxes on their computer screens with your faces in them. Raising your hand won’t have quite the same effect as it would in person, so instead use your microphones and speak up to get your teacher’s attention. Many online platforms also have chat features, so consider using those as well. Chats allow you to avoid interrupting the teacher at a bad time while letting you bring your questions to their attention before you forget.

   Tip 4    

Stay Engaged!



  • 打开摄像头,保证视频中全班能看到自己的脸。如果感觉被注视,就不容易分神而被其他不相关的东西所吸引。
  • 如果有问题、不懂时,可以讲话告知老师。相比在教室上课,线上课堂上老师不太容易看到你,因为老师的屏幕上显示的是一个个小框里大家的脸,你也没法举手示意。所以可在平台的聊天功能区发送信息告知老师,这样不至于打断老师,也可以提出自己的问题防止忘记。

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   Tip 5    

Take Advantage of Extra Free Time


Even if you try maintaining your normal school routine, you’ll inevitably end up having lots more free time than usual as certain aspects of school like ECAs can’t operate while campuses are closed. View this as an opportunity! Some suggested uses for this extra time:

  • Tutoring. If you didn’t get good marks on your report card last semester, now might be a great time to hire a tutor. With travel heavily restricted and training centers closed these days, there are likely to be many tutors out there who are bored and looking for work. Take advantage of the situation and try scheduling several online tutoring sessions to review the material you struggled with last semester or to get a little ahead of the material you’ll be dealing with this semester.
  • Exam Prep. Spend a little more time preparing for big upcoming exams like TOEFL, SAT, or AP. Now’s a great time to work through several full-length mock exams.
  • Hobbies. There’s no shame in spending your extra time on something non-academic. If there’s a hobby you’ve been meaning to do but just have never had enough time to do, well now’s the time! It’s best if the time were used constructively though since those activities will yield results that could potentially be useful later for college. Some fun and constructive ideas: creative writing, working on an art portfolio, cooking, computer programming, or pleasure reading.  


   Tip 5    

Take Advantage of Extra Free Time




  • 课外辅导。如果上学期的成绩不理想,现在是绝好的机会可以找个老师进行辅导。因为旅游受限、很多培训机构也未开业,所以这时应该很好找辅导老师。安排一些在线辅导复习下上学期学起来比较费劲的内容,或者可以提早学习这学期的内容。

  • 备考。再花多点时间来准备即将到来的一些大考:TOEFL、SAT或AP。 现在就有整块的时间来做全套模拟试卷。

  • 爱好。利用空余时间进行与学习无关的个人爱好是好事。如果你有些喜好一直没时间,现在就可以做了。如果是与升学相关的最好了。还有些好玩又有建设性的爱好建议:写作、绘画、做美食、计算机编程或趣味阅读。

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To wrap up, life in the age of 2019-nCoV is a little weird, a little stressful, but there’s no reason it should negatively impact your studies. Hopefully these five tips can help you stay on task and productive until life returns to normal. Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and don’t stop learning.


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