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发布者:广州亚加达国际预科 2024-09-05 10:18:44


On September 2nd, AIC warmly welcomed the start of a new school academic year. After a summer of rest, the campus now shines with renewed energy. School leaders and teachers greeted the returning students at the gate with friendly smiles and warm greetings, setting a positive tone for the beginning of the new term.

注册日 Registration Day 


On September 1st, all students arrived on campus and successfully completed their dormitory arrangements. They familiarized themselves with the new learning and living environment, preparing for the exciting journey ahead.

开学典礼 Opening Ceremony 


On the morning of September 2nd, the opening ceremony held in the school theater marked the beginning of the new academic year. Head of School Chris delivered a speech at the ceremony, introducing the plans for the courses and activities for the new year. He also took the opportunity to formally introduce each teacher, including both the new members and those who have been with the school. Each teacher took the stage to briefly introduce themselves and share their expectations and educational philosophies for the new term. These introductions allowed the students to gain a deeper understanding of their teachers. The atmosphere of the ceremony was warm and lively, and it concluded with enthusiastic applause from the students, laying a solid foundation for collaboration and growth among the entire school community.


All of this marks the official start of the new academic year at AIC, and the entire campus is brimming with anticipation and energy for the future. Students, with new dreams and goals, are embarking once again on their journey of knowledge. Teachers, filled with passion, are ready to guide students in exploring uncharted academic territories, sparking their curiosity and creativity. Both on-campus and off-campus activities are also gearing up, offering students a wealth of opportunities for learning and personal growth. Whether it's academic challenges or extracurricular pursuits, every corner of AIC is infused with a spirit of positivity, signaling that this school year will be a journey filled with breakthroughs and achievements.

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