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发布者:碧桂园十里银滩学校 2024-09-13 08:23:53


On campus, recruitment is in full swing. With enthusiasm, students flocked to various clubs and academic training organizations to find their own stage. Whether it is the club founded by students or the academic excellence association led by teachers, they have turned into a bright stage for them to fly their dreams and show their talents.

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The students of Rongtong High School in small groups, or leisurely stroll, or stop, their faces filled with relaxed and happy smiles. Sometimes they bowed their heads and whispered, sharing their yearning for a certain club; Sometimes he looked up into the distance, his eyes flashing with curiosity and expectation for the unknown world. There is a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere in the air, and people can't help but immerse themselves in it.

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In front of the booths of the various clubs, there was a great buzz. Members of the Science and Technology Innovation Club are enthusiastically introducing their projects, from intelligent robots to programming games, every demonstration is dazzling; The music and dance club turned the scene into a sea of joy with moving melodies and beautiful dancing; The athletes of the sports club are sweating in the open space, and every accurate shot and every tacit cooperation attract bursts of applause. 

Turning to the academic club area, there is a strong atmosphere of intellectual curiosity. In front of the booth of the after-school tutoring association, the teachers used their own experience to light up a beacon for the confused students, so that the transmission of knowledge can continue here.

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Here, there is no sense of distance from strangers, only the cordial communication of like-minded people. The students gathered around each other, sharing their dreams and stories, as if they had found a long-lost sense of belonging. They talk excitedly about upcoming activities or plan their future with great anticipation. Every smile, every handshake, conveys warmth and encouragement.

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As time went on, the atmosphere at the recruitment site grew stronger. More students were infected by this enthusiasm and joined the feast of youth one after another. They choose their own stage with their vision and expectations for the future. The members of each club are also working harder to show their style, hoping to attract more like-minded friends to join the big family.

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As the sun set, the recruitment campaign came to an end. But this warm and warm atmosphere is not scattered for a long time, it is like a warm current flowing in everyone's heart. The students left the scene with full harvest and expectations, and this recruitment activity about dreams, interests and growth has become a beautiful landscape in their youth memories.

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