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Overview of Programme

This fast–track 4.5-year programme allows students to graduate with a Master’s degree in Engineering and Technology Innovation Management (thereafter called MS (E&TIM)) from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and a Bachelor degree in Information Systems (hereafter called BComp (IS)) from NUS. Students get a global education with 3.5 years at NUS and 1 year at Carnegie Mellon University. To apply for this programme, students must apply for Information Systems course, offered by School of Computing, NUS. They will be chosen on the basis of their A-level grades (or equivalent) or polytechnic diploma grades, NUS academic performance, their interest profile in information systems studies, and a personal interview designed to judge their potential and suitability for the programme.

Students will complete 144 units (equivalent to 36 courses) of the BComp (IS) programme before they proceed to complete MS (E&TIM) at CMU. Sixteen units (equivalent to 4 courses) will be counted against the courses in MS (E&TIM). Students who have successfully completed the stipulated four courses in the MS (E&TIM)programme will be awarded BComp (IS) from NUS. At the end of the MS (E&TIM) programme, the students will be conferred the second degree – MS (E&TIM) from CMU. The intake to this BComp (IS) – MS (E&TIM) concurrent programme will be limited by agreement between CMU and NUS.

Partner University: College of Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

The Carnegie Mellon University’s College of Engineering ranks among the leaders in the world for engineering research and education. It offers a five-year joint bachelor’s and master’s degree in all five of the traditional majors, in addition to an accelerated master’s programme in Engineering & Technology Innovation Management.


