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CISK Canada Summer Camp - Enjoy an International Adventure!

发布者:昆山加拿大外籍人员子女学校 2024-04-19 08:26:22

CISK Canada Summer Camp - Enjoy an International Adventure!

Still looking for summer activities for your kids? The CISK Canada Summer Camp offers a unique opportunity for students with a valuable certificate at the end!

The 7-day CISK Canada Summer Camp enables children to experience Canadian culture and education firsthand. CISK staff will lead students through the history and culture of Canada, allowing them to personally enjoy the unique charms of this great and beautiful country.

During the summer camp, children can visit famous landmarks, take boat tours to appreciate the magnificent scenery, and delve into diverse communities to experience authentic Canadian life.

More importantly, this summer camp is not only a cultural experience but also an opportunity for skills enhancement. We will focus on cultivating children's practical skills and interpersonal communication abilities, helping them grow by interacting with friends from different cultural backgrounds.

At the end of the program, students will receive a Summer Camp graduation certificate as a permanent memorial of their unforgettable experience.

CISK students will receive a 20% discount on registering. The total cost will depend on the number of students attending.

If there is anything you’d like to discuss, please contact our marketing department, and we will be glad to answer all your questions.

Don't hesitate - let your children join the CISK Canada Summer Camp, enjoy an international adventure, and grow from experiencing the wonder of Canada firsthand!

P.S. Images are sourced from the internet and are for illustrative purposes only. Please refer to our detailed itinerary for the actual travel arrangements and conditions. For any inquiries or further information, feel free to contact us.

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CISK 加拿大夏令营


还在为您的孩子寻找暑期活动吗?CISK 加拿大夏令营为学生们提供一个独一无二的机会,并在结束时颁发一份结业证书!

为期7天的CISK 加拿大夏令营让孩子们亲身体验加拿大的文化和教育。CISK 的工作人员将引导学生们了解加拿大的历史和文化,让他们亲身感受这个伟大而美丽的国家的独特魅力。




CISK 的学生注册时将享受20%的折扣。总费用将取决于参加的学生人数。


别再犹豫了——让您的孩子加入CISK 加拿大夏令营,享受国际成长之旅,从亲身体验加拿大的美妙中成长!


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