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Undertake the Rites 探齐鲁大地,承先贤之礼|I-EP中学儒家礼学探究之旅

发布者:华外同文外国语学校 2024-04-03 10:04:05

In ancient times, the age of 13 was the start of a young man's journey to understand the rites of passage and become self-reliant. On March 26 ~ March 29, 2024, all I-EP G8 students went to Shandong to pay homage to Confucius in Qufu, and made a pilgrimage to Mount Tai. They have experienced the etiquette of the Confucian culture that nourishes China and amazes the world.



At six in the morning, the children gathered early to take the morning flight to the Confucius Study Centre in Qufu. Students changed into their ancient dresses, listened to the local teacher's narration, and learnt the "six rites of educating" to pay homage to their teacher. Teachers and students stood in front of the statue of the venerable master, with the drums express their own strict discipline, dedicated to the solemn commitment to learning.




After completing the ritual of paying homage to the master, the students went to the Confucius Museum to unveil the mystery of the birth of Confucian rituals. With study manuals and pens in hand, the children listened and took notes tirelessly. In this process, thewere able to know the Confucius' life and learn a lot of virtues from the great man.




Inheritance is crucial part of the development of culture. On the second day, the students went to the "Three Confucius" holy places including the Confucius Mansion, the Confucius Temple and the Confucius Forest. In the Confucius Mansion, we felt the importance of a family's education on etiquette; In the Confucian Temple, we witness the dominance of Confucian etiquette in Chinese history; In the Confucian Forest, we marvel at this splendid piece of culture left behind by a great thinker.




In the afternoon, we went to the Nishan to experience the splendor and prosperity of the ancient music ritual cultures. Meanwhile, the large-scale cultural performance "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" gave us a more concrete understanding of the Confucian rituals. Ritual is a lifelong self-cultivation of the ancient gentleman, and it is also an unquestionable way to benefit all beings.




On the third day of the trip, students finally embarked on the exciting trip to Mount Tai. We worked in groups, encouraging and supporting each other along the way. We felt the charm of this famous mountain which is full of cultural heritage through our steps and sweat. We were also shocked by the solemnity of the ancient ceremony, being proud of such splendid and valuable cultural treasures of China.




The students enjoyed the stone carvings of Mount Tai and enjoyed the rhythm of Shanju drums. After leaving Mount Tai, we came to Dai Temple and played the Shanju Drums, a musical instrument passed down thousands of years ago. The sound of the drums as if it could relieve all our fatigue. Unconsciously, it was time to leave, we left but learn a lot here.




In the evening, our students went to the neighborhood of the Qufu Normal University. With the admiration for the cultural heritage of Qufu in the past few days and our own curiosity about this cultural city, we went out on the streets and conducted field research in small groups, interviewing the people on the streets, and asking them what the "etiquette" means in their minds. In the process, the friendliness of the local people planted a seed of "etiquette" in the hearts of the students.



★ 街头采访 Street Interview


Cultural treasures such as Confucian rituals have been able to nourish the Chinese civilization for hundreds of years, and cannot be separated from cultural records and inheritance. On the last day of the study, teachers and students followed the experts and entered the world of goldsmith's topography. Caressing the stone plate soaked with traces of time, spreading the brand new rice paper, inch by inch with their own hands to print out the sparks of thought a thousand years ago. The children finished making one topography after another, silently completing the topography again and again, baptising their hearts again and again.



学生有话说 Student Sharing

This time, we went to Shandong to explore the theme of "Li", which was my first time to go out and do inquiry, and of course, it was also an exploration activity that made a deep impression on me. We have worshipped the Confucius, went to the Confucius Museum, and learnt about the solemnity of "Li" and the profoundness of Chinese culture.

This was also an experience that witnesses the goodwill among people.  Before climbing Mount Tai, our guide told us about the hard life of the Mount Tai porters, which touched me deeply. They struggled hard for a day just to get enough money to support themselves and their families. So when I saw them on the way, I learnt to take the initiative to avoid them, which was also a kind of "Li"!

Moreover, through this field trip, I have grown a lot. I not only become a person with heart, a person with tears in my eyes, and a person who will never give up, but also become a person who knows, understands, and performs rituals. I think that is the the meaning of the field trip.

--- Alex Zhang

I have learnt a lot from the exploration around the theme of "Li". On the first day of the ceremony, I have experienced the culture of Confucius and the etiquette of honouring teachers. The moment I walked into the venue and changed into my Chinese dress, I have felt an unprecedented power. I learnt the salute movements of the ritual officials carefully, and understood the deep and profound meaning of the ritual of paying respect to the teacher. This activity made me know the importance of teacher-student relationship and I will cherish it more.

When we visited the Three Confucius Scenic Spots, we entered the world of Confucius, communicated with him across thousands of years, and gained more knowledge about Confucianism and Confucius. In Confucius, I realized that the value of a person is not only reflected in the knowledge and skills he possesses, but more importantly in his attitude and pursuit of life. 

--- Kitty Shen

Along the way, the scenery is infinite, and the flowers of the mountain are in full bloom. Every step is a challenge, every step is a transcendence. After the mutual help and encouragement of the group, I finally reached the top.

"When you are at thepeak, you can see all the mountains." Standing at the peak of Mount Tai, my heart is relaxed and open, everything is under my feet, I seem to be integrated into the heaven and earth. I felt the magnificence of nature and the infinite possibilities of life.

Looking back at the road, although there are hardships, but more is gained. I understand the meaning of life is to keep climbing, and constantly challenge myself. The majesty and grandeur of the Mount Tai makes me more determined in my steps forward and more enthusiastic in my expectations for the future.

This is my experience of climbing the Mount Tai, an unforgettable journey and a baptism of the soul. I believe that as long as we have the courage to face challenges as well as the determination to pursue our dreams, we will be able to climb to the peak of life and realize our dreams.

--- Herman Chen





—— 张正霖



—— 沈雅涵





—— 陈泓铭

教师有话说 Teacher Sharing

Embarking on this school trip to delve into the ancient traditions and teachings of Confucius was both eye-opening and transformative experience for both teachers and students. 

As we set foot in Qufu, the birth place of the revered Chinese philosopher we were filled with great anticipation and curiosity about what lay ahead. We were privileged to visit the majestic temple of Confucius, filled with historical artifacts and ancient inscriptions. Beyond the intellectual persuits, our trip allowed us to immerse ourselves in the cultural heritage of Qufu. From the traditional performances to hands on activities like calligraphy and tea ceremony, we got to experience firsthand the customs that have been passed down through generations. 

One of the highlights of this trip was climbing mountain Tai which was no easy feat at all with its steep slopes and countless stairs. This challenge presented both personal growth and development as we pushed ourselves to conquer the mountain while enjoying the beautiful views of the surrounding landscapes. Inspired by the teachings of Confucius I returned school with a renewed sense of respect for the traditions as well as deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of the past and present.

---  Ms. Monamodi

G8 Homeroom Teacher





—— 八年级国际班主任 

Ms. Monamodi

As an international teacher accompanying G8 students on a field trip to Shandong, the experience was both culturally enriching and intellectually stimulating. Doing researches in the birthplace of Confucius provided a profound insight into Chinese culture and philosophy. Witnessing the reverence with which locals regard Confucian teachings deepened our understanding of traditional Chinese values and societal norms.

From visiting historical sites like the Confucius Temple to engaging in the immersive cultural activities such as participating in a tea ceremony and practicing calligraphy, every moment offered a window into the rich tapestry of Chinese heritage. Students were captivated by the intricate details of ancient rituals and the significance of the Confucian principles in shaping Chinese society.

The field trip provided an opportunity for the students to gain a deeper understanding of their culture, particularly its historical roots and traditional values. Engaging in activities related to Confucianism and experiencing the Chinese customs firsthand allowed the students to connect with their own cultural heritage in a meaningful way. This exploration not only enriched their knowledge but also instilled a greater sense of pride for their own cultural identity. Overall, the trip was a transformative experience that helped to develop a deeper understanding.               

--- Ms. kataria

G8 Homeroom Teacher





—— 八年级国际班主任 

Ms. Kataria

At the age of maturity, tracing the meaning of "Li"I-EP G8 students have explored, learnt and understood the richness of traditional Chinese culture through a series of activities in Qufu, the birthplace of Confucianism. This field trip was a vital spiritual treasure for their future growth. We believe, through this kind of education, our students will eventually become outstanding learners that are grounded in Chinese culture with international perspective.


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