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资深教育专家、创新人才培养专家, 总校长蔡芳女士将与狄邦一道共启狄邦华曜新航程

发布者:狄邦华曜学校 原上海华二昆山 2024-03-12 08:19:58


—— 蔡芳校长





蔡芳校长是英语正高级教师、特级教师,曾经担任人大附中副校长,人大附中拔尖创新人才早期培养项目负责人,北京海淀区班主任带头人、海淀区学科带头人,并兼职教研员和名师工作站成员。她在一线从事教育教学工作 30 余年,在人大附中任教高中英语16年,担任班主任15年,并荣获北京市“紫禁杯”优秀班主任,所带班级多次被评为北京市优秀班集体。














时代在变化,学校须前进,如何持续提升教育品质、丰富教育内涵,是集团与学校面临的长期课题。在持续创新的同时,学校的发展不会偏离集团植根中国、联结世界的长期定位,多元开放的校园文化、兼收并蓄的管理理念,全人教育的培养模式是我们矢志不渝的追求。期待学校全体师生在蔡校长与Carol Santos校长的领导下,勠力同心,锐意进取,沿着创校之初描绘的蓝图,开启狄邦新航程,创造辉煌的狄邦华曜未来。

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“I look forward to working closely with everyone to build Huayao Collegiate into a truly outstanding internationalized school that fuses the best of Chinese and Western education, preserves the excellence of Chinese culture, and nurtures students with exceptional skills and qualities to adapt to the uncertain future.”

-- Principal Cai Fang

In March, where the south winds gently sigh, tall grasses sway, as warblers grace the sky. Dipont Education has successfully invited Ms. Cai Fang, a seasoned education expert in China, to join Dipont Education Group as General Principal of Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan, Center Principal of Society for Cultivating Innovators and Director of the International Talent Development Program at Dipont.

Ms. Cai Fang

General Principal of Huayao Collegiate 

Principal Cai Fang is a distinguished Senior English Teacher and was conferred the title of ‘Professor-level Master Teacher’. Ms. Cai is the former vice principal of the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China (RDFZ), and once served as the director of RDFZ’s Program for the Development of Young and Gifted Students. She also assumed the role of the leader of homeroom teachers and subject teachers in Haidian District, as well as an adjunct teaching researcher and member of the master teacher workshop. With over 30 years of experience in frontline education, she taught high school English at RDFZ for 16 years, among which she also served as a homeroom teacher for 15 years, and was honored with the 'Zijin Cup' for Outstanding Homeroom Teacher in Beijing. The classes under her guidance have repeatedly been recognized as Outstanding Class Collectives in Beijing.

Principal Cai Fang is not only an excellent teacher, an outstanding homeroom teacher and an accomplished principal, but also a rare expert in fostering top-tier innovative talents in the country. During her 16 years of leading the Early Development Program, a national key project, she oversaw the successful education of 430 outstanding students who made it to Tsinghua University and Peking University. She also sent a considerable number of elite students to world-renowned universities including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and MIT. Her brilliant work set examples and pioneered successful models for talent development, which were emulated in many places in China.

Principal Cai's years of leadership and experience in the early development program at RDFZ will take root, blossom, and yield fruit at Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan, embodying her vision of “creating a home outside home, a paradise for learning, a field for innovation, and an orchard for harvest for the students of Huayao Collegiate”. In essence, a truly world school.
As the General Principal of Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan, Principal Cai Fang, along with the entire faculty and students, will join hands to build Huayao Collegiate into a truly outstanding internationalized school that integrates high-quality education from both the East and the West, and nurtures students with exceptional skills and qualities to adapt to the uncertain future.

In light of this, Principal Cai Fang has proposed the "Seven Key Elements of Success":

1. Embrace the philosophy of holistic education
2. Integrate the essence of Chinese and international education
3. Cultivate talents through “identification, discovery, and development”.
4. Embody the pursuit of excellence as a shared value by great schools in the world
5. Advocate the value of liberal and personalized education
6. Uphold the tradition of diligence valued by Chinese families
7. Advocate the value of collaboration between families and the school in education.

Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan is the third highly international bilingual school jointly established by Dipont Education Group in collaboration with renowned schools both in China and abroad. Inheriting the spirit of Dipont's nearly three decades of blending Eastern and Western influences to serve China, the school adheres to the principles of holistic education and personalized development. It embraces global best practices in education, integrates distinctive Chinese educational features, and explores an educational model tailored to the development and needs of Chinese students. In less than four years since its establishment, the school has been guided by a dedicated international management team. They have overcome challenges and paved the way for a distinctive and diverse approach to education, achieving inspiring educational milestones. These accomplishments have laid a solid foundation for the school's continued development.
As the school progresses with time, it remains a constant challenge for both the school community and Dipont to conceive ways of continuously improve and enrich what we offer as a school. While we change for the better, we are mindful the course we set forth will not deviate from Dipont’s long-held vision of Chinese heritage and global perspective. We are as committed as ever to the nurturing of an open school culture, a transparent management environment and a holistic approach to education. We look forward to a more exciting future as the school community work together to make everything we imaged in the blueprint four years ago happen, under the leadership of Ms. Cai and Ms. Carol Santos.


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