报名咨询热线 400-900-8516
Admission Application of NCIC-Concordia HK Division for 2024-2025 School Year
申请方式:The Application
Scan the QR code for NCIC Concordia HKDSE Division admissions ONLY.
Please submit ONE application per child.

招生对象:Admission Criteria

高中部(High School):10年级(G10)
初中部(Middle School):7-9年级(G7-G9)
小学部(Primary School):1-6年级(G1-G6)
G1: Students born on or before August 31, 2018, with good academic performance and outstanding extracurricular activities, holding Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, or foreign nationality, are eligible to apply.
G2-G10: Students with good academic performance and outstanding extracurricular activities, holding Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, or foreign nationality, are eligible to apply.
基本信息: Basic Information

第一轮考试:First round examination
● 申请日期:Application Period
11 March,2024 to 27 March,2024
● 考试日期:Entrance exam Dates
3月29日,学校会以以电话和邮件的方式告知家长各年级的具体考试时间( 笔试和面试的时间计划安排在2024年3月30日、3月31日 )
The Admissions Office will inform parents via phone and email about the different exam times for each grade on March 29th.(The written and interview exams are expected to be scheduled on March 30, 2024 , March 31, 2024. )
● 结果公布时间:Announcement of Results
2024年4月2日  2 April,2024

第二轮考试:Second round examination
● 报名日期:Application Dates
10 April,2024 to 17 April,2024
考试日期:Examination Dates
4月19日学校会以以电话和邮件的方式告知家长各年级的具体考试时间 (笔试和面试的时间计划安排在2024年4月20日.)
The Admissions Office will inform parents via phone and email about the different exam times for each grade on April 19th.(The written and interview exams are expected to be scheduled on April 20th, 2024.)
●  结果公布时间:Announcement of Results
2024年4月24日 24 April,2024
●  學費繳費时间:Tuition payment Results
2024年4月24日-2024年5月6日 24 April,2024- 6 May,2024
提交材料验核:Submit the required documents
Parents or guardians must ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete. Please submit all required documents to the school Admissions Office in person.
A. 学生近照一张 One recent photos of student
B. 出生證明 Birth Certificate
C. 父母双方的身份证件 Parents’ identity document
D. 如果学生是香港身份需要提供:香港身份证/回乡证/护照(复印件)
If you’re the Hong Kong resident students:You need to provide HKID card/ Mainland Travel Permit/Passport(Photocopies)
E. 如果学生是外籍身份需要提供:护照(复印件)
If you’re the Foreign resident students:You need to provide Passport(Photocopies)
F. 学生两年内的成绩表副本(复印件)(可于面试当日补交)
The photocopies of the academic reports photocopies during the recently two years (can be submitted on the day of interview)
G. 最多4项课外活动、服务及其他特别才艺之文凭/证书、奖状副本(如有)
At most 4 diplomas/certificates of special skills and achievement awards(if any)
★ All personal data provided will be treated in strict confidentiality and used for admission-related purpose by the school only.Information will be destroyed once the admission procedure is completed.
申请结果:Adimission Results
The results of NCIC Concordia HKDSE Division in 2024-2025 will be released by email.Parents of admitted students are required to pay the tuition fee by the due date.  Applicants who failed to pay on time will forfeit the place offered.




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