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深圳市深美外籍人员子女学校(SAIS)是一所经Cognia认证的学校,于2005年5月经中华人民共和国教育部和广东省教育厅批准成立,并于2023年5月份正式成为 IB PYP 和 IB DP 候选学校。深美为外籍人士子女、港澳台、以及海归留学生子女提供高质量的国际教育,深美是SAT和AP考试内部考点。
Shenzhen American International School (SAIS) is an IB candidate school since 2023. SAIS is a Cognia accredited school which was established upon the approval of both the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the Department of Education of Guangdong Province in May, 2005. SAIS provides exceptional education services to foreign nationals as well as students from HongKong, Macau and Taiwan. SAIS is an internal testing center for SAT and AP exams.
SAIS uses an Inquiry-Based student led learning approach to provide high-quality concept based academic instruction by serving grades Pre-K to grade 12. We follow an IB curriculum and AP curriculum, aligning with the Common Core State Standards, mathematics adopts the Singapore mathematics standard, and the Chinese class draws on the Chinese national curriculum standard. Course highlights: inquiry-based integrated teaching mode.
深美教学配套设施齐全,坐落于四海公园南侧,紧邻蛇口青少年活动中心及蛇口体育中心,为学生的运动发展提供充足的室内外场地,其中包括有 8条 400 米全天候跑道、足球场、五人制足球场和篮球场。
The facilities are excellent and include a high-quality building for academic instruction with PE and sports carried out in the adjacent Shekou Youth Sports Center and the Shekou outdoor Sports Center where there is an 8 lane 400 meter all weather track, Football (soccer) pitch, 5-a-side soccer pitches and Basketball courts.
Shenzhen American International School implements the policy of dual class teachers from China and foreign countries. SAIS has a group of teaching staffs who have IB experience. 100% of them have master degree, and among them, 70% are doctors. The teacher graduated from world-renowned universities such as Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, and Columbia University, and has taught in many top international schools like UWC, YK Pao School, Shanghai Middle School and Shenzhen Middle School.
Our counseling team provides sytematic and personalized guidance for students in G8-G12. The counseling services inculde, but are not limited to, understanding students' personality, mining personal highlights, course selection guidance, application standardized examination planning, soft-guidance for prestigious universities. The counseling team is composed of teachers from Yale University, Columbia University and other world prestigious universities.
At SAIS, we prioritize your child's holistic development and offer two exceptional programs - children's programming and sports. Our children's programming courses nurture critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities through hands-on coding projects. Simultaneously, our sports programs are including baseball and racquetball, promote physical fitness to build teamwork and leadership skills. By combining these programs, we empower your child to thrive in the future, equipping them with digital literacy and a healthy foundation for success. SAIS are committed to providing each learner with a comprehensive educational experience, helping them become well-rounded individuals ready to face future challenges. 
学校提供丰富多样的运动和艺术俱乐部供学生选择,并于2023年增设棒球俱乐部,棒球教练许指导是中国首位签约MLB美职棒大联盟球员,以最大限度地发挥学生的潜力和兴趣,更重要的是从中培养学生拥有健康的生活方式和审美能力,以及坚韧不拔、 锲而不舍的学习态度。
Students can choose from various sports and art clubs, in 2023 SAIS has included baseball class taught by highly qualified professionals who are associated with the MLB. This allow students to explore their interests and receive exceptional instruction.These clubs can help students lead healthy lifestyles, enhance aesthetic abilities, and teach about perseverance. 
A Project Based environment looks different than a traditional classroom. Students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an ebgaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. Rigorous projects help students learn key academic content and use them within the appropriate context and also emphasizes critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity as they construct high-quality, authentic products & presentations. These experiences cultivate future entrepreneurs, scientists, inventors and leaders of the world.