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Career Talk | 职业访谈

发布者:深美SZSAIS 2022-05-13 18:00:11

Career Talk


Each month at SAIS we have had the Middle and High School students be treated to a careers session where parents or outside professionals could come and make a presentation about their job and how students could enter their particular field. It has been an incredible series of talks and our parents are so talented we have not had to go to outside sources to supplement the presentations. We have had a wonderful variety of professions from being a Pilot to being a counselor. Last week we were privileged to hear from Ms. Jingjie Zhang, Macy’s mother.


Ms Zhang is not only a business woman but co-founder of the famous brand Co-Nayuki


After being introduced students have the opportunity to ask questions. We have 2 student moderators, Krystal and Charles from Grade 9, who ensure good order and that all the students have an equal opportunity to ask questions.



Part 1: career questions


1. What’s your job title?

I was the co-founder of Nayuki brand, but now I have started a new brand of drinks. See! I've brought samples for you.



2. Tell us about the beginning of your career, your first year on the job?

When Nayuki was though of, we were very excited but I experienced a lot of hard times at the very beginning. In order to raise money, I even sold my own house. When we couldn’t recruit staff, I became our front-line staff for 3 months. But now Nayuki has launched an IPO. I have now left the company and started to do another business.



3. Do you have to go to university to be a businesswoman? If so, what subjects did you have to study to prepare yourself for your career?

I don’t think you need to go to University. I think there should be more than one path for you to achieve your goal. I spent my first two years in a very famous University in China, one of the very best. Unfortunately, I withdrew from there since I failed to keep any interest in the major I had chosen for myself first. The major I took at university has nothing to do with my current career. By the way, what I shared doesn’t mean you should follow my path. University life is very important for you to experience.



4. What advice would you give to a student who is considering starting their own business?

I would say, finish your university study first. Then, gain experience by working for others. Always hold two guidelines in your heart: What’s my goal in my work and What do I want to get from this job. Finally, determine to work for yourself.



Part 2: The SAIS Six Core Values


1. As you know our 6 Sais core values are integrity, respect, caring, courage, inclusiveness, responsibility. What is your favorite one or two values that are impacting your life every day?

I’ll choose integrity and responsibility from these values. Integrity is crucial in the business world. I would never do business with people who don’t exhibit this characteristic. Responsibility should also be key in everyone’s life. Firstly, I’m a mother, I need to play this role well to support my child’s growth. I’m also a daughter. I should return my own parents’ love and contribution. This a hugely important element of Chinese culture.



Part 3: Finish the sentence

第三部分: 完成剩余表述

I’m grateful to live in China, because…

Because China is the biggest developing country in the world and more and more people choose to come to our motherland. We have a huge population so we can benefit from that while creating a business.



Part4: Q&A session


Why did you choose to start your own business in drinks? What was the motivation for that?

The Beverage business was in a rising period and I could forecast it would be more and more valuable in the future, so I felt I had to grab it despite the risks. Ours is not a traditional drink business, it’s about fashion and attitude, it’s about brand design and positioning.





The interview with Macy’s mother ran smoothly with both humour as well as a serious side. What impressed the students was that Ms Zhang was not how they imagined she would be. Teacher Laura asked ‘When did you decide to open your own business? As a childhood dream or only when you were an adult?  She replied that she was an introverted child and not a favourite of either her classmates or teachers. I even went through a dark time. But when I became a mother, many things changed. I needed to create better conditions for my daughter. To achieve that I believed I needed a solid financial background and so this spurred me on to create this business.”


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