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SUIS课堂 | 户外教学 Field Trips

发布者:协和教育浦东课程中心 2022-12-08 16:29:59





While learning, will you question the importance of the topics studied in class? Are these real? Or is this really worth learning?


To answer the above questions, the teachers of SUIS Pudong-Sanlin Campus will arrange a wide range of field trips every academic year to help students apply textbook knowledge in real-life situations.


Following the filed trips of Arts and Science departments in September, Humanities and Mathematics departments now followed suits. Let's see how they connect textbook knowledge with real life experience.




Our AS & A2 maths students visited the HSBC office in People's Square, where they learned the brief history of HSBC, the different department responsibilities within the system and then joined an immersive life lesson from interviewing to asset management. 


When numbers are given the weight of life, how will you make your decisions? 

百年汇丰 History of HSBC


HSBC was born from one simple idea – a local bank serving international needs. In March 1865, HSBC opened its doors for business in Hong Kong. A month later, the bank in Shanghai was opened. Till now, HSBC carried the history of 150 years, survived the Great Depression, the World War Ⅱ, the Covid and several other difficult eras. It still managed to develop and expand. 

在“模拟人生”环节,同学们以小组为单位,体验了金融世界的宏观和微观,包括财富管理、股票估值以及企业经营等。在活动中, 学生们了解了数学在财务管理中的应用,以及它是如何影响商业决策的。

The highlight of this field trip is the "wealth management workshop", in which students experienced the macro and micro of the financial world in small groups, including wealth management, stock valuation and business operation, etc. During this workshop, they could briefly understand how maths can be related to finance, and then how it affects the decision in business. 


There were totally three rounds of the game, each of which spanned 5 years. It means during the 1 hour worskshop time, our students spent 15 years of ups and downs together. Some of them were promoted in their careers, but their families were broken; someone earned stably every year and quite enjoyed the family life. Someone was ambitious and made a fortune. There were also people who failed to invest and could not make it even.


The team that earned ¥8 million became the winner of the workshop. Their "all-in" investment method, accurately invested in a specific company. They demonstrated what "high-risk and high-return" is.

● 他们说 They say


After all, this was just a game. In real life, in addition to wealth, we should also pay more attention to health condition and family happiness. All-in probably is not the best way to earn.

正如学生所说,游戏毕竟是游戏,800万也终究是个虚拟数字。真实人生中,我们需要考虑的因素更多, 需要承担的,也更重。目前要做的,就是学好基础知识,为未来的应用打下基础,才能用科学的方法做出相对最优的选择。

As the students said, in the end this is still a game, and ¥8 million is only numbers on the paper.  In real life, we need to consider more factors and need to bear more. What we need to do is to boarden our knowledge and lay the foundation for future applications, so that we can make a relatively optimal choice with scientific methods.


回答问题要切中要切,不可冗长。Answer should be straight to the points.

眼神交流要稳定,态度诚恳。Eye contact should be stable, attitude matters.

简历上的每一句话都必须真实有案例。Every sentence on the resume should be correct and backed with real cases. 

面试中展现自信,但不可夸大。Be confident and be humble.


Interview Tips



本学年人文学科组的首次校外活动,我们IG1,IG2和 AS 年级地理组的学生们来到了吴淞炮台湾湿地公园和长江博物馆。这次户外教学的目的是为学生们建立一个相关的研究案例,既可以让学生们作为未来考试的素材使用,又能够让学生们了解他们所生活的地方-上海,是如何应用防洪和河流管理相关知识的。
For Humanities first field trip of the year, we took IG1, IG2 and AS Geography students to the Baoshan Paotaiwan Wetland park and Yangtze River Museum. The Purpose of the Trip was to build a relevant case study for students to use in their upcoming exams and to see the application of flood and river management in a setting close to home for the students.
Despite the rain limiting our access to the Wetland area where we would have seen the biodiversity of the wetlands and the flood defenses, students enjoyed getting outside in nature, braving the weather, and getting to experience Geographical fieldwork. The Highlight of the Trip was the Yangtze River Estuary Museum where students completed worksheets and engaged with modern exhibits showing the importance of wetlands, history of the Yangtze River delta and the importance of flood defenses in protecting Shanghai.


Students especially loved the animal and habitat exhibits showing the diverse species found along the course of the Yangtze River. The Impressive models at the museum really helped students to comprehend the scale of the Yangtze River basin and the diverse range of environments it passes through and how it has shaped Chinese history and culture. To put this into perspective students engaged with the Yangtze River cruise simulation through Shanghai which showed the impressive development along the lower course of the river and really put helped students understand the immense development undertaken across the Shanghai.


Hopefully with better weather in the future we will engage with more field trips to take the learning outside of the classroom and see the real-world applications of what we learn in class, enriching our students minds and having them understand the complex topics we cover in class in real-world contexts.


Field trips take book knowledge from classroom to life. Field trips, particularly for older students, can answer the questions of how learning can be applied in reality.

This field trips organised by Humanities and Mathematics gave students the opportunity to understand knowledge from different angles, and also made knowledge come to life. 


Let's look forward to the next subject field trip.

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