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发布者:深圳市枫叶学校 2024-08-26 08:32:02

时间的齿轮在快速地转动着,转眼间我已经在枫叶读了四年了。在这四年里我遇到了形形色色的老师和同学,也做了许多事情。The gears of time are spinning fast, and in the blink of an eye I've been studying at Maple Leaf for four years. In these four years, I have met all kinds of teachers and classmates, and I have done many things.

我刚进枫叶的时候,我十分兴奋,有着一颗好奇的心。那时的我对一切都感到兴趣。一进这个班级时,我就变得害羞起来,不敢跟新同学交流和玩耍,变得陌生起来。几天后我也开始学习拼音和作文。努力地学习新知识,和适应新的学习环境,学着住宿。When I first entered the Maple Leaf, I was very excited and curious. At that time, I was interested in everything. As soon as I entered the class, I became shy and afraid to communicate and play with my new classmates. A few days later, I also started learning pinyin and composition. Work hard to learn new knowledge, adapt to the new learning environment, and learn to live.

随着时间的推移,我也终于适应了新的环境,学会了互帮互助。当我遇到困难时,同学们总能挺身而出。比如有一次我在踢球时摔了个大跤,流了很多的血。他们立刻停止了比赛,把我扶了起来并送到校医室。他们受伤时,我也会帮助他们走出困境。但有些事同学们也解决不了,只能请老师来解决。I finally adapted to the new environment and learned to help each other. When I was in trouble, my classmates always stood up. For example, once I was playing football and I fell and bled a lot. They immediately stopped the game, picked me up and sent me to the school doctor's office. When they are hurt, I also help them out. But there are some things that students can't solve, so they can only ask teachers to solve them.

到了四年级我也开始了接融学校的各种活动,就像学校多姿多彩的活动课,有羽毛球,演讲与口才,冰壶和航空模拟······我开始了一边学习一边玩的活动课。学校还会举行一学期一次的运动会。在运动会上我也放开了双手,自由地在赛场上飞驰。老师和同学们也会时时鼓励我。In Year 4, I also started to integrate the various activities of the school, such as badminton, speech and eloquence, curling and aviation simulation······ I started an activity class where I was learning and playing at the same time. The school also holds a sports day once a semester. At the sports day, I also let go of my hands and flew freely on the field. My teachers and classmates also encourage me all the time.

在这四年里我十分感谢老师们的辛勒付出,让我从中收获成长。也要成谢同学们的陪伴。我以后会努力变得更好!In the past four years, I am very grateful to the teachers for their dedication and growth. I would also like to thank my classmates for their company. I will try to get better in the future!


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