从耶鲁竞赛到英美夏校 曼校如何点亮孩子全球公民意识之光?
Over the past few years, ongoing global changes have redefined our understanding of community, resilience and connection. In the future, MIS Shenzhen students will take on the responsibilities of g
MIS Open Class | 非遗展风采 文化共传承—曼校邀请专家老师进校开展非遗公开课
To further explore and comprehensively advocate the spirit embedded in China's valuable traditional culture, MIS
书香溢满校园 深圳曼校邀您用阅读丈量世界 | November Reading Month
Shenzhen is “the City of Reading”. In November of every year is Shenzhen Reading Month. This year coincides wit
MIS Christmas Ski Camp | 2024曼校圣诞滑雪营重磅回归!
2024 MIS Christmas Ski Camp is back! And this time we have brand new upgrade as we brought in "Five-star hotel"
As the 2025 university application season officially begins, MIS is entering an exciting period. Some of the MIS students have already received offers from prestigious universities such as W