杭州娃哈哈外籍人员子女学校师资团队 FACULTY
Robert G. Mullins,执行校长
Robert is a dedicated administrator focused on instructional leadership as a means of nurturing a lifelong love of knowledge and continuous improvement in learning and student achievement. He began his teaching career in the US 21 years ago, and he has been engaged as a school principal since 2008. He has earned two master’s degrees in educational leadership K-12 and science education K-12 Education, and he expects to receive his Ph.D. degree in educational leadership soon. Robert joined us from Quality Schools International School in Chengdu, IB world School, where he has served as Principal. Robert’s professionalism and leadership skills are well recognized among staff and stakeholders.
Olivia Xiang,学术总监
Olivia是娃哈哈外籍人员子女学校学术总监。她拥有墨尔本大学教学硕士学位(早教), 上海外国语大学英语语言文学硕士学位,莫纳什大学教育研究文凭,并在伦敦学院修读过教育领导力课程。她有十多年的国际学校高中教师经验,曾担任过教师、年级组长、PYP 负责人、DP 协调员和副校长等不同职位。她对探究式教学特别感兴趣,擅长沟通和倾听不同的声音和价值观,并不断学习以在共同的旅程中做出明智的选择。