A Patriotic Education Practice Activity | 东莞暨大港澳子弟学校爱国主义教育实践活动
In order to strengthen patriotic education among students, enhance their national pride and sense of historical responsi
Outstanding Achievements! | 东莞ASJ中学部学子在第21届\"外研社杯\"全国大赛斩获多项佳绩
ASJ secondary students delivered outstanding performances at the recently concluded 21st FLTRP Cup National English Comp
Primary Years: Being Principled|小学部:坚持原则
In Grade 1, students demonstrated being principled by showing fairness and respect by taking turns, listening to each other, and ensuring everyone had an equal opportunity to partic
Early Years: Being Principled|幼儿部:坚持原则
This week in Foundation and Kindergarten 1, students explored the concept of being principled through their zoo animals topic. They learned to respect and care for animals, focusing on responsibility. They also recognised the animals by listening to the sounds
The Power of Play|游戏探究式学习的力量
游戏探究式学习的力量游戏是幼儿教育中的强大工具,探索、想象和互动塑造了终身技能的基础。Building Essential SkillsThrough Play-Based Learning通过游戏探究式学习培养关键技能