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【更中国 更世界】 \"我问西东\" | I-EP MYP中新文化研学之旅

发布者:华外同文外国语学校 2024-08-26 08:21:28



PBL is a student-centered learning approach and teaching model that focuses on authentic and personally meaningful projects, through learner-directed learning, group work, and other modes of inquiry, leading to knowledge and competency development.

In order to help the new 7th grade students of I-EP to adapt to the academic level of middle school as soon as possible and to understand Huawqi's philosophy of “Embrace China, Embrace World”, a group of 30 students from the new 7th grade of MYP went on an amazing 5-day journey from August 19th to 23rd in Singapore.

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Furen International School


Furen International School has the authoritative international accreditation issued by the British Council and Education International Australia, adopts the international Cambridge system, and has a professional on-campus college planning and guidance team, the GCO. Up to now, Furen graduates have been all over the world, whether it is the UK's elite G5 universities (Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, etc.), or Asia's leading universities such as National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University, and the world-renowned Australian top eight universities (Australian National University, University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, etc.). Fu Jen graduates are found in G5 elite universities in the UK (Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, etc.), the top universities in Asia (National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University), and the world-renowned top 8 universities in Australia (Australian National University, University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, etc.).

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Entering Furen International School, students first took a campus tour to learn about the school's faculty, teaching situation, and past graduates' progression to higher education, etc. In the formal classroom, students were led by their teachers to carry out PBL inquiry learning and fully understand the culture of Singapore, from its development history to its demographic composition, and from its geographic location to its political economy through a full experience of an international English classroom.

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Each day's lesson had a different theme: in the first lesson, students learned basic lessons on Singapore's cultural interdivs, English drama, and crazy animals.In the second lesson, after learning about the relevant background knowledge through the introduction, students worked in small groups to discuss and determine the themes for the presentation.The following themes were finalized: Singaporean language, economy, architecture, religion, food and clothing.

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三天的学习与思考、交流与沟通、汇报与展演,同学们收获良多。在课程最后,六组学生轮番展示,海报、戏剧表演、角色扮演等多种展示形式。结营仪式上,辅仁国际学校教师代表Mr. David给每位同学颁发结营证书。

The students gained a lot from the three days of learning and thinking, exchanging and communicating, reporting and exhibiting.At the end of the program, six groups of students took turns presenting, posters, drama performances, role-plays, and many other forms of presentations.At the closing ceremony, Mr. David, the teacher representative of Fu Jen International School, presented each student with a certificate of completion.

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In addition to their intense coursework, the Year 7 students took the opportunity to visit famous local attractions in Singapore to establish a more authentic connection with the local area and to explore the global context that the IB promotes.

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National University of Singapore (NUS)


Students traveled to the National University of Singapore (NUS) to exchange and study with NUS students and learn about the education system, requirements and planning for further studies at a top university. Students felt the open campus of NUS and envisioned their study career planning.

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National Museum of Singapore (NMS)


The students visited the National Museum of Singapore to witness the seven hundred years of trials and tribulations that Singapore as a nation has gone through, and the splendor of nation building for nearly sixty years. A museum allows students to learn about the history and development of a country, and makes them cherish the present happy life even more.

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Merlion Park & Gardens by the Bay


Sudents visited local landmarks and experienced the local cultural landscape.

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Singapore Zoo



Singapore Zoo is located in the north of Singapore Miles Lake Road,   is one of the top 10 zoos in the world and is home to over 3,000 rare animals.

The first thing students felt when they walked into this fully-open zoo was that they were like a guest, intruding into the animals' homes. Being in such close contact with these animals, the students were so excited and mesmerized, and deeply felt that everything in the world is so harmonious and beautiful.

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Multi-racial Cuisine in Singapore


Singapore's food culture can not to be missed. In front of various food outlets in Cooked Food Street and Chinatown, students planned their own rich dinners at $25 each, experiencing different taste buds and learning how to manage money at the same time.

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王嘉昱: 新加坡是一个教育资源非常好的国家,感觉比上次去芬兰的要好玩的多,我了解到了新加坡的各种历史。

王泽润: 新加坡的美食丰富多样,传统的海南鸡饭,每一口都让人陶醉其中。在当地的美食中心和街头小摊,我品尝到了最地道的新加坡美食,感受到了这个城市独特的饮食文化。

陈弈潼: 新加坡是一个繁华与现代并存的城市同时也是一个多元文化的国家。它的每一个地方都非常干净,这让我感受到了这座城市的良好治理和环境。这几天我们参观了鱼尾狮公园。它作为新加坡的标志性建筑,象征着新加坡的独立与繁荣,让我们对新加坡的历史与发展有了更深刻的理解。此外,我们还参观了新加坡博物馆,了解了新加坡从过去到现在的历史变迁,感受到了新加坡人民的坚韧与智慧。
张家瑞: 这次新加坡之行让我感受到了新加坡那独特的文化,那整齐的街道,那与自然共生的美感都让我感受到震撼。

陈熙乐: 这次来新加坡让我见识到了新加坡的人文风情和这里独特的风景。这几天在新加坡的学习让我知道了新加坡的历史。我觉得新加坡是一个非常有趣的国度。
王快乐: 新加坡是一个美丽的,多元的国家,这里有很多民族的人。还了解新加坡当地的文化,新加坡还有很多绿植。让我觉得新加坡是有规章制度的国家。

刘韵馨: 这次的新加坡之旅让我见识到了一个小渔村是怎么发展成一个拥有各国人民的国家的。在这五天的行程中我品尝了新加坡的特色美食,在街道上感受到了不同的风格。在滨海湾看见了含有特殊意义的鱼尾狮雕像。在辅仁学校的学习中我也更加了解了新加坡的文化历史。去到新加坡的动物园,我看见了各样的动物,这是我在中国看不到的。这个蕴含了各国风格的国家让我感受到了不同以往的感受,希望这个国家未来走向繁荣昌盛。

一次和这么多男生一起team work





Participate in Topic Discussions

#Students' impressions of Singapore#

Wang Jiayu: Singapore is a country with very good educational resources, and I felt that it was much more fun than the last time I went to Finland, and I learned about the various histories of Singapore.

Yang Yaqi: Singapore is a multicultural country that brings together people from all over the world, where you can hear a variety of languages, taste a variety of cuisines, and feel the collision and fusion of various cultures.

Wang Zerun: Singapore's cuisine is rich and varied, and the traditional Hainanese chicken rice enchants with every bite.In local food centers and street stalls, I tasted the most authentic Singaporean food and felt the unique food culture of this city.

Huang Weiqi: I think Singapore is a very special country, each landmark building expresses the unique characteristics of Singapore, which makes me marveled.Especially after seeing the Singapore Museum, I felt the infinite creativity of this small country.

Chen Yitong: Singapore is a prosperous and modern city as well as a multicultural country.Everywhere is very clean, which makes me feel the good governance and environment of the city.These days we visited the Fishtail Lion Park.As the landmark of Singapore, it symbolizes the independence and prosperity of Singapore, which gives us a deeper understanding of the history and development of Singapore.In addition, we also visited the Singapore Museum to learn about the historical changes of Singapore from the past to the present, and felt the resilience and wisdom of the Singaporean people.

Zhang Jiarui: This trip to Singapore let me feel the unique culture of Singapore, the neat streets, and the beauty of the symbiosis with nature all let me feel shocked.

Chen Xile: This visit to Singapore has given me a chance to learn about the people and the unique scenery of Singapore. I have learned about the history of Singapore in the past few days.I think Singapore is a very interesting country.

Happy Wang: Singapore is a beautiful, diverse country with many ethnic groups.I also learned about the local culture of Singapore, and there are a lot of green plants in Singapore.It makes me feel that Singapore is a country with rules and regulations.

Liu Yunxin: This trip to Singapore allowed me to see how a small fishing village developed into a country with people from different countries.During the five-day trip, I tasted Singapore's specialties and experienced different styles in the streets.I saw the Fishtail Lion statue in Marina Bay which has a special meaning.I also learned more about Singapore's culture and history in the Fu Jen School.When I went to the Singapore Zoo, I saw a variety of animals that I could not see in China.This country contains the styles of different countries, and I hope that this country will be prosperous in the future.

Parent 1:

First Full English Class

First formal English speech + Drama.

First time to team work with so many boys.

Break out of your comfort zone and explore a broader future.

This is a learning model that both my children and I enjoy

Parent 2:

Study and learn.

Traveling with feeling, 

traveling with success!

Parent 3:

Children break through themselves, learn seriously, show brilliantly, I believe this study has left children with wonderful memories.

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MYP G7 Immersion Camp in Singapore was successfully completed, and the students felt the interweaving of the local multi-culture. This is not only a summer study, but also a broadening of horizons, students think and learn. The students were able to think and learn. They were able to feel and act! We are looking forward to a more exciting study trip next time.

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