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攀岩、划艇、桨板……城市特种兵阳朔探险 | CEP双语中学七年级坚毅之旅

发布者:华外同文外国语学校 2024-09-05 10:13:36

如果说 5 天国防训练营是 “八百里分麾下炙,五十弦翻塞外声,沙场秋点兵” 般气势恢宏的练兵场面,那 4 天阳朔坚毅之旅便是 “马作的卢飞快,弓如霹雳弦惊” 般惊心动魄的用兵情境……

今年,华外双语部的教育者们紧密围绕国家教育目标政策,依据最新生源状况,精心升级调整坚毅课程,推出 5 天国防教育课程营 + 4 天广西阳朔坚毅之旅的精彩组合,将爱国情怀与同学个人品质培养巧妙结合,让课程活动更具意义。这不仅是对学生综合素质的培养,更是对国家 “立德树人” 根本任务的积极践行。


This year, Huawai CEP 7th grade double launched a wonderful combination of 5-day national defence education course camp + 4-day Guangxi Yangshuo perseverance trip, which skillfully combined patriotic sentiment with students' personal quality cultivation, making the course activities more meaningful. This is not only the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality, but also a positive practice of the national fundamental task of “establishing morality and educating people”.


The following is shared by Zhang Junhan from Class 705


In our life, we are always eager to look for those experiences that can inspire inner strength and challenge our limits. And this Journey of Perseverance, like a bright star, has left a splendid glow in our memory. 



The beginning of the journey was water, where kayaks and paddle boards became our partners in exploring the unknown. When we first set foot on the kayak, our hearts were filled with both anticipation and nervousness. But with the paddle in our hands, we gradually found the rhythm. Pulp boarding was more challenging, requiring a better sense of balance and strength. Every wobble on the paddleboard is a test, and every steady stroke in the kayak is a reward for perseverance.

Canoeing 皮划艇


Rock climbing is a battle against the earth. Gazing at the steep rock wall,we were filled with fear.However, when we take the first step and hold on to the rock, our courage is awakened. Each climb is a step beyond ourselves; every slip is a chance to rise again. In sweat and persistence, we ultimately conquered ourselves.

Rock Climbing 攀岩


Via Ferrata is a mix of courage and trust. High above, moving with ropes and gear, facing a deep abyss, we learn to trust ourselves, our equipment, and our team. Each step conquers fear; every advance strengthens our spirit.

Ferrata 飞拉达


The process of building a raft is a perfect example of teamwork. We work together to tie one bamboo together and build a boat that can carry our dreams. In this process, we learnt to listen, to share and to be responsible in the face of difficulties.

Making bamboo rafts 扎竹筏


Stand-up padding offers another unique experience. Standing on the narrow board is like being a dancer above the water. The board swayed in the water, and we needed to keep our balance all times to keep from being tipped over by the waves. In the beginning, we were always wobbly and anxious. But as we continued, we gradually found the feeling of balance and were able to glide on the water. This experience taught us to find balance in instability and stay calm in challenges.

Stand-Up Padding 桨板


When we went through the underground river, the water flow is rapid, the students are difficult to move forward. Students at the front stop to help those behind, and teachers and students support each other. This activity is an intimate encounter with nature and embodies the spirit of teamwork and mutual assistance. The cave exploration taught the students that, in the face of difficulties, unity and helping each other is key.

Cave exploration 溶洞探险


Under the light, we took a moment to reflect on the experiences. Those challenges and difficulties, those perseverance and courage, all became our motivation to move forward. We understand that challenges in life are everywhere, whether in outdoor adventures or indoor classes, we need to maintain that quality of perseverance, constantly challenge ourselves and pursue excellence.


This journey strengthened our bodies and minds, teaching us to face challenges bravely without backing down. We learned the importance of teamwork and felt the warmth of friendship. It was a trip full of challenges and growth, a memory to cherish forever. Moving forward, we will carry this resilience, facing each challenge with courage and shining brightly.


The five-day National Defence Education Course Camp, coupled with the four-day Guangxi Yangshuo Perseverance Journey, was not just a simple outdoor activity, but also a profound patriotic education and sharpening of personal qualities. From the national defence training camp in Huangpu District, Guangzhou to the mountains and waters of Yangshuo, the students, like a team of urban special troops, quietly stalked on the journey of growth. They learned bravery and trust in rock climbing, practiced physical fitness and collaboration in kayaking, experienced the dialogue between nature and history in cave exploration, challenged balance and coordination in paddle boarding, and learned the true meaning of teamwork in bamboo rafting. Let's applaud these brave explorers and applaud their growth.

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