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中招代码186 | 选择武汉爱莎,做未来世界的引领者 To become future rule-makers

发布者:ISA Wuhan 武汉爱莎 2024-05-07 08:21:33











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Based on the principle of serving the future through education, ISA Wenhua Wuhan High School focuses on cultivating students' comprehensive literacy and ability development in multiple fields. In terms of academics, the school is committed to the concept of integrating subject education and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education in parallel, and sets up an innovative curriculum system that empowers future talents in all aspects. While consolidating the foundation of academic subjects, we strengthen science education and interdisciplinary learning ability. 

STEAM elements are integrated into various disciplines, guiding students to learn cross-disciplinary thinking and cultivating their comprehensive ability to solve problems using multiple methods. Through the establishment of STEAM laboratories and research projects with universities at home and abroad, we stimulate students' interest and passion for science and technology innovation. Through extensive and in-depth subject education and SETAM education, we cultivate students' scientific thinking and innovation ability in a multi-dimensional way, exercise their independent thinking and courage to explore, and lay the foundation for cultivating innovative future rule makers and leaders.

The school gives top priority to the development of physical and mental health, moral character, and social skills. Through a wide variety of programmes and activities, including arts, sports, public service activities and social services, we help our students to develop a holistic approach and build a positive personality. The school focuses on the holistic development of students as citizens with an international outlook and cross-cultural communication skills. Through a diverse curriculum, international exchange opportunities, and moral and ethical education, the school strives to create a group of future global citizens who are creative, socially responsible, ethical, and innovative.

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With the vision of "building an international education ecosystem of multinational and multicultural integration", ISA International Education Group was founded by leading educators from all over the world. Following the opening of four schools in Guangzhou, the group has set its sights on the goal of "the best of all possible worlds". Aiming at the hotspot of "Only Chu has the talent", the Group has invested US$250 million to build a modern campus of 180,000 square metres in Wuhan, and is committed to creating a first-class international education park in Central China.

ISA Wenhua Wuhan High School adheres to the student-centred, education returns to the original heart of the campus, insisting that the school is the main position for students to learn knowledge, shape their character and develop their abilities. We teach students according to their aptitude and teach them at different levels, so that every student can grow up to be their best selves in ISA. We hold fast to our respect for the essence of education and our commitment to the whole-person development of students, endeavour to stimulate and protect students' desire for knowledge and curiosity about the world, ignite the fire within students, and return the aura to the children, so that their talents and creativity can be best nurtured and blossomed in the best learning environment.

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在爱莎国际教育集团旗下的拔尖创新人才培养中心(武汉),秉承“早发现、早介入、早培养” 的理念,致力培养立志终身从事科学研究、文学或艺术创作,并具备出色潜质和学有余力的资优学生。在基础教育阶段,通过差异化的教育规划和个性化的养方案,满足在某些学科具有特殊天赋的学生不同发展需求,为国家做好拔尖创新人才的储备。

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The future of China lies in no one else but solely in youth of China, their strength makes China an unyielding nation and ISA Wuhan is here to faciliate the youth to achieve their life dreams.  This schooling intenton is a deep reflection of ISA Education Group's emphasis on the cultivation of outstanding talents. Talent is the core indicator of a country's comprehensive national power, and talents with excellent innovation potential are of vital strategic significance to the country's achievement of innovative results and international competitive advantages. In the basic education stage, focusing on the early discovery and cultivation of outstanding and innovative talents is a strategic need for national development, and also a huge educational innovation project of ISA Education Group.

The Centre for Talented Youth, under the ISA International Education Group, adheres to the philosophy of "early detection, early intervention, early cultivation", and is committed to cultivating gifted students who aspire to a lifelong career in scientific research, literature or art creation, and who have outstanding potential and the ability to learn. At the basic education stage, through differentiated educational planning and individualised programmes, we meet the different developmental needs of students with special talents in certain disciplines, so as to make a good reserve of top-notch innovative talents for the country.

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The ISA Centre for Cultivation of Advanced and Innovative Talents has a team of tutors consisting of academicians, renowned professors and PhDs from home and abroad. Through the construction of a highly integrated, active and academically strong curriculum system, breaking down the barriers of academic segments and disciplines, the Centre focuses on cultivating students' in-depth learning ability in their own disciplines of interest, and exploring and researching under the careful guidance of the tutors.

"If a young man is wise, the country is wise; if a young man is strong on the earth, the country is strong on the earth", ISA Education Group is working tirelessly to develop the next generation of rule makers and leaders.

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Education is the link between us and the world and the future, and "ISA" is a wonderful encounter for students to walk towards hope. Adhering to the educational sentiment of "a hundred years of famous school", Wuhan ISA launches the "Young Talents - Ten Million Scholarship Programme" for gifted students in Wuhan and the whole country to help young people pursuing their dreams to realise their aspirations.

ISA Wuhan High School selects outstanding students from the 2024 junior high school cohort and awards them with the honour of the ISA Ten Million Scholarship Programme, with a cumulative total of more than RMB 20 million in scholarships.

As a leader in international education, ISA Wuhan's "Ten Million Scholarship Programme" brings together experienced teachers and scarce educational resources from home and abroad to nurture talented young people. The school is committed to supporting every gifted student, giving them the confidence and strength to pursue their dreams.

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Enrolment plan for 2024-2025






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