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【爱莎视界】是冲击名校的助燃剂?还是教育内卷的牺牲品? “祛魅”后的国际竞赛,真正在于培养创新能力

发布者:ISA Wuhan 武汉爱莎 2024-06-24 08:17:55


据美国大学申请通用系统Common App 2024公布的录取趋势显示,世界名校申请人数在持续增加,录取率将进一步下降。越来越多的世界名校将采用Test Optional政策,即标准化考试成绩不再是必须提交的材料,这意味着学生的竞赛成绩、实习经验、科研成绩等,或将成为录取标准中的“必须项”,而非“加分项”。

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As the 2024 graduation release season approaches, the admission results released by the world's top schools have given countless students and education practitioners a second sniff at the trends that will shape the future demand for talent.

According to the admissions trends released by Common App 2024, a system for U.S. college applications, the number of applicants to the world's top schools continues to increase, and the acceptance rate will further decline. More and more of the world's most prestigious schools will adopt the Test Optional policy, that is, standardised test scores are no longer mandatory materials, which means that students' competition scores, internship experience, scientific research results, etc., may become “mandatory items” in the admissions criteria, rather than “plus points”. This means that competition scores, internship experience, research results, etc. may become a ‘must-do’ rather than the ‘extras’ in the admission process.

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▼2023–2024: First-year application trends

Common App 2024最新录取趋势分析(图片来自官网)

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When the competition is intensifying and acceptance is decreasing year by year, the effectiveness of international competitions, previously known as the ‘magic bullet’ for higher education, is really showing. Is the way the world's most prestigious schools screen for future talent really about selecting ‘high-score achievers’, or nurturing the next generation of innovators and explorers who will lead the way in academic progress? ISA Wuhan School, with its cutting-edge and open-minded approach, has undoubtedly chosen the latter.

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 ISA Students' Extraordinary Achievement


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From mathematics, science and chemistry to STEAM engineering, business, artificial intelligence, music, sports and other subject competitions, to high-level academic research paper competitions, the ISA Wuhan Competition Project Team has won a total of 262 medals in only two semesters of the journey, participated in 22 heavyweight international events, and independently cultivated 42 students to participate in the competitions, with a high rate of gold medals/first prize winners of up to 60%, and an average of five students in the group events The average winning rate of 5 students in a team event is over 80%, and the winning rate of promotion tournaments is close to 100%. We continue to help more students to get the ticket to the ‘Elite Think Tank’ in the world.

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/Thomas Sun /

G10 Student 十年级学生

2024 Fnet=ma 美国物理竞赛

· 晋级


· 金奖


· 全球一等奖

2023 SMC英国数学竞赛(高级)

· 金奖

· 学校荣誉奖

2023 BMO英国数学竞赛(高级进阶)

· 荣誉奖

· 学校

2023 AMC12美国数学竞赛

· 全球荣誉奖

2023 BPhO英国物理竞赛 (Round One)

· 金奖

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2024 Fnet=ma


2024 PhysicsBowl

- Gold

2023 Global Academician Forum

(Frontiers of Mathematics and Big Data Application)

- First Place

2023 SMC

- Gold

- Best in School

2023 BMO Round 1

- Merit

- Best in School

2023 AMC12

- Achievement Roll

2023 BPhO Round 1

- Gold

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/Annie Du /

G11 Student 十一年级学生

2024 美国“物理碗”竞赛

· 银奖

2024 UKChO英国化学竞赛

· 全球金奖


· 一等奖

2023 SMC 英国数学竞赛(高级)

· 金奖

· 年级荣誉奖

2023 BMO英国数学竞赛(高级进阶)

· 荣誉奖

2023 AMC12美国数学竞赛

· 全球卓越奖

· 晋级AIME

2023 ASOP澳大利亚物理竞赛

· 三等奖

2023 BPhO英国物理竞赛 (Round One)

· 银奖

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2024 PhysicsBowl

· Silver

2024 UKChO

· Gold

2023 HiMCM

· Meritorious

2023 SMC

· Gold

· Best in Year

2023 BMO Round 1

· Merit

2023 AMC12

· Honor Roll of Distinction


2023 ASOP

· Credit

2023 BPhO Round 1

· Silver

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/Jianing An /

G11 Student 十一年级学生

2024 美国“物理碗”竞赛

· 金奖

· 区域排名前10名


· 优秀奖

2024 ARML Local美国区域数学团队竞赛

· 全国个人奖前80

· 全球团队奖前 100 名

· 全国团队金奖

2024 BMO英国数学竞赛(高级进阶)

· 优异奖

2023 BPhO英国物理竞赛 (Round One)

· 铜奖

2023 AMC12美国数学竞赛

· 全球卓越奖

· 全球优秀奖

2023 BMO英国数学竞赛(高级进阶)

· 荣誉奖

2023 SMC 英国数学竞赛(高级)

· 金奖

· 学校荣誉奖

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2024 PhysicsBowl

· Gold

· Regional Top 10

2024 Eculid

· Distinction

2024 ARML Local

· National Individual Top 80 

· Global Top 100 Teams 

· Gold

2024 BMO Round2

· Distinction

2023 BPhO Round 1

· Bronze II

2023 AMC12

· Honor Roll of Distinction

· Distinction

2023 BMO Round 1

· Merit

2023 SMC

- Gold

- Best in School

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/Chunpong Zhang /

G11 Student 十一年级学生

2024 美国“物理碗”竞赛

· 金奖

2024 BMO英国数学竞赛(高级进阶)

· 优异奖

2024 ARML Local美国区域数学团队竞赛

· 全国个人奖前80

· 全球团队奖前 100 名

· 全国团队金奖

2023 BMO英国数学竞赛(高级进阶)

· 优异奖

· 学校

2023 AMC12美国数学竞赛

· 全球优秀奖

· 晋级AIME

2023 BPhO英国物理竞赛 (Round One)

· 银奖

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2024 PhysicsBowl

· Gold

2024 BMO Round2

· Distinction

2024 ARML Local

· National Individual Top 80 

· Global Top 100 Teams 

· Gold

2023 BMO Round 1

· Distinction

· Best in School

2023 AMC12

· Distinction


2023 BPhO Round 1

· Silver

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/Xinyin Zhang /

G11 Student 十一年级学生

2024 ARML Local美国区域数学团队竞赛

· 全国个人奖前80名

· 全球团队奖前100名

· 全国团队金奖


· 优秀奖


· 金奖

2024 BMO英国数学竞赛(高级进阶)

· 优异奖

· 学校

2023 BMO英国数学竞赛(高级进阶)

· 荣誉奖

· 年级

2023 AMC12美国数学竞赛

· 全球优秀奖

· 晋级AIME

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2024 ARML Local

· National Individual Top 80 

· Global Top 100 Teams 

· Gold

2024 Eculid

· Distinction

2024 PhysicsBowl

· Gold

2024 BMO Round 2

· Distinction

· Best in School

2023 BMO Round 1

· Merit 

· Best in Year

2023 AMC12

· Distinction


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/Hanwen Guo /

G10 Student 十年级学生


· 物理优秀奖

2024 UKChO英国化学竞赛

· 全球金奖

2024 加拿大化学竞赛(中级)

· 全国银奖

2024 英国生物竞赛

· 银奖

2024 袋鼠数学思维趣味活动

· 金奖

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2024 PhysicsBowl

· Honorable Award

2024 UKChO

· Gold

2024 CCC

· Silver

2024 BBO

· Silver

2024 MK

· Gold

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/Zigan Jing /

G11 Student 十一年级学生

2024 ARML Local美国区域数学团队竞赛

· 全国个人奖前80名

· 全球团队奖前100名

· 全国团队金奖


· 优秀奖


· 银奖

2023 AMC12美国数学竞赛

· 全球优秀奖

· 晋级AIME

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2024 ARML Local

· National Individual Top 80 

· Global Top 100 Teams 

· Gold

2024 Eculid

· Distinction

2024 PhysicsBowl

· Silver

2023 AMC12

· Distinction


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/Pang Bo /

G10 Student 十年级学生

2024 Eculid滑铁卢欧几里得数学竞赛

· 优秀奖

2023 AMC 10美国数学竞赛

· 全球优秀奖

· 晋级AIME

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2024 Eculid

· Distinction

2023 AMC 10

· Distinction


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/Xitong Zhou /

G10 Student 十年级学生

2024 Eculid滑铁卢欧几里得数学竞赛

· 优秀奖

2024 美国物理碗竞赛

· 物理优秀奖

2023 AMC 10美国数学竞赛

· 全球优秀奖

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2024 Eculid

· Distinction

2024 Physics Bowl

· Honorable Award

2023 AMC 10

· Distinction

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/Yixiang Jiang /

G10 Student 十年级学生

2024 Eculid滑铁卢欧几里得数学竞赛

· 卓越奖

2023 AMC 12美国数学竞赛

· 全球荣誉奖

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2024 Eculid

· Honor Roll

2023 AMC 12

· Achievement Roll

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for a bigger pic





 Cultivating Students' Innovative Thinking



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As a multinational and multicultural high-tech holistic school, ISA Wuhan adheres to the philosophy of technology first and  training (IB+STEAM). We respect every child's learning aspirations and fully explore every child's talents and strengths.

When carrying out international competition projects, adhering to the principles of voluntariness, fairness, and interest-oriented, we customise and equip all students who are interested in developing a career in academic competitions with a wealth of competition plans, learning resources, and competition counselling, etc., so that they can strengthen their athletic ability while practising with competitions and laying the foundation for the publication of high-level scientific research papers.

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“在爱莎,我们从不将竞赛得奖仅着眼于如何帮助学生升学。” 武汉爱莎拔尖创新人才培养中心负责人乐毅博士告诉我们。


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"At ISA, we never focus on winning competitions only in terms of how they can help students apply for top universities.’ Dr. Michael Yi, Director of ISA Wuhan Centre For Talented Youth, told us.

"Compared with the results of admission to prestigious schools, we attach more importance to the cultivation of students in disciplinary thinking, reasoning ability, research ability, critical thinking, hands-on practical ability, psychological quality, teamwork, etc. The real purpose is to subconsciously lead students from the traditional international competitions of test-taking to real innovation in the field of research, and to be the first one who publishes scientific research papers, applies for invention patents, leads scientific research projects, and ultimately becomes the first to win a prize in an international competition. patents for inventions, lead scientific research projects, and ultimately push the world forward with innovative talents."

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Secondary students can also be trained by postgraduate standards


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Driving social change with the power of innovation. With such educational vision, ISA Wuhan International Competition Coaching Team brings together a group of famous teachers at home and abroad, led by university academicians, doctoral supervisors, and national gold-medal coaches, with an average of more than 10 years of experience in coaching international competitions, and with rich resources for scientific research and development, to cultivate the students' adaptation to the future postgraduate study mode and method from secondary school, and to realise the Leapfrog growth.

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· 湖北省数学高级教师,博士研究生

· 毕业于华中科技大学光电子科学与技术专业

· 中国教育科学研究院全国优秀实验教师

· 武汉市教育科学研究院数学备考中心组核心成员

· 中国教育科学研究院高级研究员

· 湖北阳光教育研究会全国高考科学备考数学名师坊专家

· 带领学生进入国家集训队(全国仅60人,仅一名学生),并且保送至清华大学姚班

· 培养无数学生获得AMC12美国数学竞赛(获得142分高分,满分150),中国数学奥林匹克金牌、全国高中数学联赛一等奖、中国东南地区数学奥林匹克数学竞赛二等奖等


· 毕业于清华大学环境学院

· 师从大气污染控制领域的泰斗郝吉明院士

· 在物理、数学、地理等学科和科技竞赛中带领学生斩获多项全国奖项

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Dr. Zhao

· Senior Teacher of Mathematics in Hubei Province, PhD Candidate

· Graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, majoring in Optoelectronics Science and Technology.

· National Excellent Experimental Teacher, China Academy of Educational Sciences

· Core member of the Mathematics Test Preparation Centre Group of Wuhan Academy of Educational Sciences

· Senior Researcher, China Academy of Educational Sciences

· Expert of the National Mathematics Master Teacher Workshop of the Hubei Sunshine Education Research Association for Science Preparation for the Higher Education Entrance Examination.

· Led students into the national training team and guaranteed to be sent to the Yao class of Tsinghua University.

· Numerous students have been trained to win the AMC12 American Mathematics Competition (scoring 142 out of 150), the Gold Medal in the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad, the First Prize in the National High School Mathematics League, and the Second Prize in the Southeast China Mathematical Olympiad, among others.

Mr. Zhang

· Graduated from Tsinghua University School of Environment

· Studied under academician Hao Jiming, a leading figure in the field of air pollution control.

· Led students to win many national awards in physics, maths, geography and science and technology competitions.

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· 物理特级教师

· 名高骨干,湖北省物理特级教师,正高级职称

· 政府专项津贴获得者

· 武汉市优秀教师,武汉市优秀示范岗岗长

· 武汉市百优班主任,武汉市有突出贡献的中青年专家

· 武汉头部名高高中物理教研组组长,带出1个湖北省理科状元,2个武汉市理科状元

· 所带学生多达50多名考入清华、北大,另有多名学生曾获得全国物理竞赛的一等奖及其他奖项。

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Teacher Rao

· Famous backbone of high school, special grade teacher of physics in Hubei Province, full senior title

· Government Special Allowance Recipient

· Wuhan Outstanding Teacher, Wuhan Outstanding Demonstration Post Leader

· Wuhan Top 100 Class Teachers, Wuhan Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions

· Head of the physics teaching and research group of Wuhan's top high school, who has brought out one Hubei top student in science and two Wuhan top students in science.

· More than 50 students have been admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, and many others have won the first prize of the National Physics Competition and other awards.

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Mr. Malinao

· 阿苏萨太平洋大学生物化学学士学位 

· 由于在多个国家旅行和生活过,Michael的课堂具有多样性和包容性,以此来培养具有国际能力的学生,使他们能够迎接世界日益全球化的挑战

· 凭借在中国和美国超过6年的教学经验,Michael用精心设计的课程来满足学生的进步需求,增强优势

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Mr. Malinao

· B.S. Biochemistry, Azusa Pacific University 

· Having travelled and lived in several countries, Michael's classrooms are diverse and inclusive as a means of developing internationally competent students who are able to meet the challenges of an increasingly globalised world.

· With over 6 years of teaching experience in China and the United States, Michael uses a well-designed curriculum to meet the progressive needs of his students and enhance their strengths.

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. 武汉大学管理学博士,致力于创新教育、技术创新与创业研究

· 华中科技大学工商管理(金融)硕士

. 华中科技大学计算机科学与技术专业本科

. 独特的信息学奥赛教学方法

· 拥有丰富的计算机软、硬件研发经验,部分成果实现原始创新

· 拥有丰富的风险投资经验,帮助多家高科技企业成功上市

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Dr. Le

· PhD in Management from Wuhan University, dedicated to innovation education, technology innovation and entrepreneurship research.

· Master of Business Administration (Finance), Huazhong University of Science and Technology

· Unique teaching method of Informatics Olympiad;

· Possesses rich experience in venture capital investment, helping many high-tech enterprises to go public successfully.

Possesses rich experience in computer software and hardware research and development, and some of the achievements have realised original innovation.

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“在未来,学校还将继续拓展在科技、商业、工业、新能源和人工智能等方面的竞赛培训,以PBL项目式学习方式,培养学生跨学科的知识积累。” 乐博士说。


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“In the future, the school will also continue to expand its training for competitions in science and technology, business, industry, new energy and artificial intelligence, and develop students’ interdisciplinary knowledge accumulation through PBL project-based learning." Dr. Le said.

"The school's Space City business design project, STEAM project-based learning, and 3D printing and design programmes, which run every Saturday, provide students with an arena to test the depth, breadth and creativity of their knowledge. Our team of academicians, PhDs and Gold Competition Coaches are the project engineers they will meet in their future careers and the project managers they will become when they start their own businesses. Through extensive and intensive intellectual practice, ISA students are equipped with postgraduate qualities in secondary school to stand taller and see farther on their own path in life."

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Denying the utilitarianism of higher education, rejecting the brainless exam competitions, and let international competitions return to the true nature of education. With the mission of rule-makers of the future world, ISA Wuhan School helps every student to realise his or her academic pursuits and life ideals, and contributes to driving the world's change. We look forward to the outstanding achievements of ISA students in the future, enjoying the learning that challenges themselves and embracing the future that knows no limits!

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