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发布者:佛山暨大港澳子弟学校 2024-09-10 08:29:35


近日,佛山暨大港澳子弟学校传来喜讯,学校正式获得国际文凭组织(IBO)的批准,成为IB小学项目(PYP)的候选学校(IB Candidate School)。这一里程碑标志着学校将进一步践行IB教育理念,为佛山暨大港澳子弟学校的学子们提供高质量的IB PYP国际课程。

Recently, ASJ-Foshan has good news to share. The school has officially been approved by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to become an IB Primary Year Programme (PYP) candidate school. This milestone marks that the school will further implement the IB educational philosophy and provide high-quality IB PYP international courses for the students of ASJ-Foshan.


what is IB PYP?

什么是IB PYP?

IB PYP(International Baccalaureate Primary Year Programme)是针对年龄3-12岁的学生设计的国际课程。它注重在课堂内外将孩子培养成为全面发展的探究者,发展学生的好奇心、创造力和反思能力,旨在促进孩子的整体发展,触及心灵和思想,并包括社会,身体,情感和文化需求以及学术福祉,培养年轻的学生终身热爱学习的能力。

IB PYP  is an international curriculum designed for children aged 3-12. It focuses on cultivating well-rounded inquirers in both the classroom and beyond, developing students' curiosity, creativity, and reflective abilities, aiming to promote holistic development that touches the heart and mind, including social, physical, emotional, and cultural needs, as well as academic well-being, and cultivating young students' lifelong love of learning.


How did ASJ-Foshan become an IB candidate school?



● 考虑阶段;

● 申请候选学校资格 / IB决定候选学校资格;

● 候选阶段;

● 申请授权学校资格 / IB决定授权学校资格。

The process of applying to become an IB school typically includes:

● Consideration stage;

● Application for candidate school status / IB decides candidate school status;

● Candidate stage;

● Application for authorized school status / IB decides authorized school status.

佛山ASJ作为一所初创学校,能在短时间内跻身IB PYP候选学校之列,成功并非偶然。

在2023年创校之初,佛山ASJ就启动了IB PYP项目的申请筹备工作,并且参照IB PYP的官方要求,在管理与教学方面都以高标准开展。

In the year 2023 when ASJ-Foshan was founded, the school initiated the application preparation work for the IB PYP program and followed the official requirements of IB PYP in terms of management and teaching, with high standards.

As a startup school, ASJ-Foshan has managed to become an IB PYP candidate school in a short period of time, and its success is no accident.


In terms of teaching, students gained a deep learning experience based on concepts through the learning mode of inquiry, reflection, and action. In the inquiry-based learning, students' comprehensive abilities were gradually improved and their international vision expanded.


在管理方面,佛山ASJ的教师们积极展开教研与学习,逐步融合香港课程与IB PYP框架的五个基本要素(概念、技能、知识、态度和行动),老师们通过教学活动,帮助学生构建对世界的理解。

In terms of management, the teachers at ASJ Foshan actively engaged in research and learning, gradually integrating the five fundamental elements of the Hong Kong curriculum and the IB PYP framework (Concepts, ATL, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Action), and teachers helped students build an understanding of the world through teaching activities.


经过近一年的有序规划与积极筹备后,佛山ASJ于2024年7月24日获IBO批复,正式成为IB PYP 候选学校。

After nearly a year of orderly planning and active preparation, ASJ Foshan was approved by IBO on July 24, 2024, and officially became a candidate school for the IB PYP.


In the future, we will continue to uphold the educational philosophy of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and strive to cultivate world citizens who are deeply familiar with Chinese culture, pursue excellence, and have an international perspective.

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