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发布者:佛山暨大港澳子弟学校 2024-09-14 08:28:45



The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival with a long history, and ASJ-Foshan emphasizes the inheritance and promotion of traditional culture, cultivating students to have a broad global vision and at the same time be well versed in the essence of Chinese culture.

On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the school organized a fun and creative “Hanfu Festival” to welcome the festival with teachers and students.



Chinese Hanfu, Chinese Style



“China’s rituals and etiquettes make Chinese people who they are, and their beautiful clothes make them glorious.”Hanfu, not only witnessed the evolution of Chinese history, but also carries rich cultural connotations.

Teachers and students changed into a flowing and light Hanfu, tracing the footsteps of the Mid-Autumn Festival, strolling through the campus, “immersed” to experience the romance of time travel.


From the solemnity and elegance of the Qin and Han Dynasties, to the magnificence and complexity of the Tang and Song Dynasties, to the simplicity and generosity of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, as well as the elegance of the new Chinese style of the national trend, it is as if the campus is also glowing with a different elegance at this moment, so that all people appreciate the beauty of the Chinese dress and the charm of traditional culture.


Enjoy the Garden Party


The Mid-Autumn Festival is also inseparable from the garden party. Since ancient times, there have been customs such as enjoying the moon and eating mooncakes. In the Mid-Autumn Festival garden party held by ASJ-Foshan, students not only immersed themselves in the strong traditional cultural atmosphere, but also experienced the infinite fun brought by the amusement project, this warmth and harmony, which is the most beautiful footnote of the Mid-Autumn Festival.



Puzzle, DIY fans and bookmarks, ping pong ball floating on water, blindfolded drumming ...... Each session brought a brand new experience to the students.

With cheers and laughter, the campus was filled with festive celebrations and joys, and the students were also able to experience the fun of traditional Chinese culture from a close distance.







Through the celebration of Chinese traditional festivals, teachers and students were not only able to explore and deeply understand the essence of traditional Chinese culture, but also filled every ASJ student with a sense of pride and identification with their country's culture and traditions.

It is worth mentioning that in this event, students not only acted as participants, but also became the executors and managers of the event, fully demonstrating their autonomy and leadership. The members of the Student Council were responsible for carrying out the work of booth arrangement, booth management, order maintenance, project guidance, etc. to ensure the smooth progress of the whole event, which was not only a rare growth experience, but also exercised their personal abilities.





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