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祝贺中国花泳奥运夺金 | 广州暨大港澳学子漾向未来

发布者:广州暨大港澳子弟学校 2024-08-09 08:34:30












On 8 August 2024, the Chinese team performed well in the synchronised swimming team technical a la carte competition at the Paris Olympics, winning the gold medal in the event with the first overall score.

Synchronised swimming, an artistic water sport combining swimming, dance, gymnastics and music, is attracting more and more young people's attention. Student Deng, a G8 student from Affiliated School of JNU for Hong Kong & Macao Students School, is one of the many dreamers of synchronised swimming, who started to participate in the training of synchronised swimming events at the age of 9, and has been awarded the title of National Level 2 Athlete of Synchronised Swimming Events.

In the hard training day after day,  Student Deng  constantly sharpened her skills, and teammates work together to challenge themselves and achieve transcendence in competition after competition. Just like the Chinese synchronised swimmers in the Olympic Games, they used their own sweat and efforts to explain what is persistence and love, but also for the sports stage to add more brilliant luster.

It is a significant part of the growth of young people and an important symbol of social development and human progress, as well as an important manifestation of the comprehensive national power and social and cultural progress.

Affiliated School of JNU for Hong Kong & Macao Students School has always been committed to the education concept of "Sports and Education in One", shaping students' character, broadening their horizons, and fostering the spirit of unity and cooperation, fair competition, and unremitting struggle through sports.

Currently, ASJ has a number of professional sports teams, including football, basketball and badminton teams, and offers a variety of ECA sports programmes, so that students can receive professional sports guidance and training at the school, exercise and develop their strengths.

ASJ believes that "every child can be successful", and on the road of growth, ASJ focuses on the needs of children to strive towards their dreams. ASJ will continue to serve the goal of talent cultivation, to further improve the physical health of students and the level of school sports, and to cultivate a good sports culture on campus.

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