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梦想启航 超越自我 | 广州暨大港澳子弟学校2024-2025学年正式启航!

发布者:广州暨大港澳子弟学校 2024-09-05 10:19:34



In September, the ASJ 2024-2025 school year begins. In the new school year, the word ‘dream’ will be hot again. Behind every endeavour, there is a story called hard work. In the process of pursuing our dreams, we are also striving to surpass ourselves.

2024年9月2日,广州暨大港澳子弟学校举行2024-2025学年“梦想启航 超越自我”开学典礼。

On 2 September 2024, ASJ held the Opening Ceremony of the 2024-2025 school year ‘Dream On Soar Beyond’.


At the opening ceremony, Yan Haibin, Chinese men's track and field athlete, gold medallist in the men's 4x100m relay event at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, and outstanding athlete of the men's 4x100m relay at the Paris Olympics, encouraged ASJ students to incorporate the Olympic spirit of being faster, higher, and stronger into their daily study and life, and to realise self-transcendence.












At ASJ, we expect every child can be successful. We encourage our students to dream, to dream boldly and recklessly, and we inspire our students to pursue their dreams, to pursue them bravely and persistently.


At the opening ceremony, ASJ Chief Principal Tam Yatyuk and Executive Principal Feng Yan sent a message to the students to make a new start in the new semester. ‘Set sail with your dreams, transcend yourself’, and write a wonderful chapter in the promising land of ASJ.


Dear teachers and students, good morning



In this hopeful September, we welcome a new semester and a new starting point in our school’s development.



First, on behalf of all the faculty and staff, I warmly welcome all students back to campus, especially the new students joining our ASJ family.



We undertook a series of renovations and reinforcements on campus in the summer holiday. You can see the brand new football field, refreshed classrooms, and behind the scenes, all buildings have been strengthened to provide a safer environment for your learning and life.



At the same time, we are constructing a new cafeteria, gym, auditorium, and more. All these efforts aim to create a more comfortable and beautiful learning environment for you.



The continuous development and improvement of the school are meant to help you grow and progress. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality educational resources, cultivating you into outstanding talents with an international perspective and sense of social responsibility.



Today, I’d like to express a few expectations for you,


Firstly, I hope you cherish your time and study hard. Knowledge is the key to your future. Every class, assignment and moment of reflection is an opportunity for you to gain knowledge. No matter what difficulties you encounter, don’t give up.

第一, 希望你们珍惜时光,努力学习。知识是你们通向未来的要是,每一堂课、每一次作业、每一次思考都是你们积累知识的机会。无论遇到什么困难,都不要放弃追求知识的脚步。


Secondly, I hope you actively participate in various school activities. Sports competitions, performances, or club activities, these are stage for you to showcase yourselves and develop your abilities. You can cultivate teamwork spirit and discover your interests and potential.

第二, 希望你们积极参与学校的各项活动。无论是体育竞赛、文艺表演还是社团活动,都是你们展示自我、锻炼能力的舞台。通过参与这些活动,你们不仅能够培养团队合作精神,还能够发现自己的兴趣和潜力。


Thirdly, I hope you learn to care for others and respect differences. We come from different families and regions, but here on campus, we are one big family. Learn to understand and accept each other, and together create a harmonious and warm atmosphere.

第三, 希望你们学会关爱他人,尊重差异。我们来自不和的家庭和地区,但是这个学校里面,我们是一个大家庭。要学识理解和包容他人,共同营造一个和谐、温暖的校园氛围。


Finally, I want to thank every faculty and staff member who has worked hard for the development of the school. You dedication makes the school better and better. I also want to thank the parents for their trust and support.



A new semester, a new beginning. Let us “Dream on, Soar beyond” on this hopeful land of ASJ, and write our own wonderful chapters!



Thank you



ASJ embraces a holistic approach to education, believing that every student is a unique individual with unlimited possibilities, and supports them in realising their full potential and making a difference in the fields they are passionate about. In order to inspire more outstanding students to explore unlimited possibilities, the school has set up the ASJ ‘Excellence’ Scholarship every year, with a total amount of more than $2 million in scholarships covering the fields of academics, science and creativity, sports and the arts.





In the new term, we have welcomed new students and teachers who are multi-talented, and we have also gained new life experiences as we look back on the valuable experiences of the summer holidays.


▲在2024年Ivy Cup英语演讲比赛中,G1徐同学荣获铜奖。




At the opening ceremony, ASJ students and faculty declared the beginning of the pursuit of their dreams by taking the Pledge of Allegiance, and the next step is to study hard without regrets.



On 2-3 September 2024, the new school year's Etiquette and Habit Formation Camp was officially opened. At the opening ceremony, the Director of the school's academic department gave an impassioned mobilising speech, the Chief Instructor also stressed the importance of habit formation, and the students were all in high spirits and swore in unison.

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