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Academic Results Release|IBDP成绩出炉

发布者:NAISPudong 上海英国学校 2024-07-15 08:44:30

NAIS Pudong students celebrate outstanding IBDP results, with an average of 33 points.

We are again celebrating outstanding IBDP results for the 2023/24 school year. This year, students achieved an exceptional average score of 33, well above the world average of 30.3.

Diane Vaughan, Principal at NAIS Pudong said: “At NAIS Pudong, we are thrilled to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our IBDP students. This year's cohort has demonstrated unparalleled resilience, hard work, and determination, achieving remarkable success in a challenging environment. We are deeply grateful to our inspirational teachers, whose dedication and guidance have been instrumental in our students' exceptional results. Their commitment has truly made this a year to remember.”

Congrats to our standout students, accepted into the world's top universities.

Thanks to its outstanding results, graduating students from NAIS Pudong have received offers to attend top 100 universities globally. This year, our students are headed to first-choice universities such as: University of Manchester, The University of Edinburgh, EHL, University of Liverpool, University of Bath, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, University of Nottingham, and more.

Hari Raye, Assistant Head of Secondary said: I’m confident in our Year 13s (and our Year 11s who will receive their results on 13th August) – their journeys through education so far have been incredible, with many of them preparing already for their life at a variety of top universities later this year. Everyone at NAIS Pudong will be proud of everything they have achieved.

To learn more about NAIS Pudong and our record of academic excellence, please Click ‘Read More’ down below.

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校长Diane Vaughan表示:“在NAIS Pudong,我们非常激动地庆祝学生在IBDP课程上取得的杰出成就。今年的毕业生表现出了无与伦比的韧性、勤奋和决心,在充满挑战的环境中取得了非凡的成功。我们非常感谢我们善于鼓励学生的老师,是他们的奉献和指导使我们的学生取得了优异的成绩。他们的努力和付出让今年成为值得纪念的一年。”



中学部助理校长Hari Raye表示:“我对我们的13年级学生(以及将于8月13日收到成绩的11年级学生)充满信心——他们迄今为止的求学之旅非常出色,其中许多学生已经开始为今年晚些时候在各种顶尖大学的生活做准备。上海英国学校浦东校区的每个人都会为他们所取得的成就感到骄傲。”


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