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After School Activities (ASAs) Restart 课后活动开始啦

发布者:NAISPudong 上海英国学校 2024-09-13 08:16:54


Monday saw the eagerly awaited return of the After School Activities (ASA) programme, commencing Season One which will run through until January 2025.  The programme is designed as an extension and compliment to our core curriculum, giving students the opportunity to either extend some of their traditional classroom learning in areas such as English an Additional Language (EAL), or further developing their growing skillsets in sports, performing arts and other interests.  

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However, it also gives students the ability to explore activities which they may not usually consider, such as martial arts, theatre skills, debate, chess, golf, tennis and much more.  We encourage students to select options across varying subjects and activities each day where possible.


It was wonderful to see and hear students engaged in all of the activities available across the school, and we look forward to seeing the fruits of their labour as their skills develop and improve across the course of the Season.

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本周一,万众期待的课外活动(ASAs)项目再次启动,第一季将持续到 2025 年 1 月。该活动旨在延伸和补充我们的核心课程,让学生有机会扩展他们在传统课堂上学习的一些领域,如英语辅助语言(EAL),或进一步发展他们在体育、表演艺术和其他兴趣方面不断增长的技能。




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