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School Visit | 东莞ASJ探校预约开启:探索香港DSE课程为何能成为中考后的新赛道

发布者:ASJ 东莞暨大港澳子弟学校 2024-07-15 09:40:20

With the results of the 2024 Senior High School Entrance Examination now available, understanding and guidance from parents is key to a fresh start for children who have fallen short of expectations. At this turning point, parents may consider switching to another pathway more suitable to their children's growth and development - the Hong Kong DSE Curriculum.


As an international education pathway, the Hong Kong DSE Curriculum is very similar to the mainland junior and senior high school curricula of all international programmes. With the advantages of being able to answer in Chinese, choosing preferred subjects and being recognised by universities worldwide, the HKDSE has become an ideal pathway for students who have previously studied domestic programmes.


ASJ (Dongguan), as a government-recognised school for Hong Kong and Macao children, is committed to providing high-quality international education for its students. The school offers a pure Hong Kong DSE Curriculum for secondary school students. Its teaching mode and curriculum design are in line with local secondary schools in Hong Kong, which not only helps children to make a smooth academic transition, but also develops their global perspective and competitiveness, and helps students to study in tertiary institutions in the Mainland, the eight most prestigious universities in Hong Kong and over 300 famous universities in the world.


For students and parents interested in learning about and experiencing the HKDSE curriculum, ASJ (Dongguan) offers a convenient booking channel to visit the school. By scanning the code and making an appointment, you can be the first to receive the latest information and news from ASJ (Dongguan), and experience the learning environment and atmosphere of the school, please register now.


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