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发布者:KSS深圳国王 2023-11-28 08:28:13


COBIS(Council of British International Schools英国国际学校理事会)于1989年成立,是英国官方为确保高质量教育资源的输出和落地所建立的最权威的审查机构之一。其认证标准覆盖学校建设、教学质量、师资水平、学科设置等多个方面,并且一直以标准严格、审查严谨而闻名,这也意味着通过COBIS认证的学校是国际标准认证的一流学校




除了斩获2023年德国红点产品设计大奖红点奖外,深圳市前海国王国际学校还突破重围,成功入选意大利THE PLAN AWARD设计大奖。作为一个国际知名的建筑媒体类奖项,THE PLAN AWARD在设计界与学术界都颇受关注。


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Big news from KSS! After a long, comprehensive, and rigorous inspection process, The King's School Shenzhen was formally awarded Compliance Status by COBIS! We're the first international school in Shenzhen to gain this recognition. 

COBIS (Council of British International Schools) was established in 1989, and is one of the most authoritative accreditation organisations dedicated to ensuring the spread and success of high-quality education. Its criteria for accreditation cover the design of the school campus, the level of teaching, the quality of the faculty, subject-specific facilities, and more. COBIS is well-known for its rigorous standards and inspections, so their accreditation is only awarded to first-class schools.

The King's School Shenzhen works hard to build and maintain a friendly, caring, and positive environment at its Qianhai campus, so that our students learn in a safe and supportive atmosphere. From the principles of its design to its construction process, every nook and cranny of the school has been engineered to encourage our students' aspirations. The high standard of KSS's campus environment has been internationally recognised on several occasions, most recently when it won a 2023 Red Dot Design Award in Germany.

Click here to read our article on the construction of our campus:

The King's School Shenzhen's Qianhai campus occupies a site of over 24,000 square meters, with a total indoor floorspace of 50,000 square meters. The size of our outdoor sport and activity areas exceeds 10,000 square meters, and our indoor sports hall covers an area of 1,910 square meters. Our campus has 57 regular classrooms, as well as 37 specialist classrooms that enable us to provide a 21st century King's education, including a science centre, arts centre, DJI lab, Black Box theatre, ceramics classroom, and more.

Our campus design is inspired by our sister school in the UK, featuring low building density, large green spaces, vertical partitions, and a courtyard-style layout.

In addition to winning a 2023 Red Dot Design Award, KSS registered another success by being shortlisted for the Italian THE PLAN Award, an internationally-renowned architecture award that receives much attention in design and education circles.

An excellent education environment requires more than just a well-thought-out use of space. Safeguarding students' physical and mental wellbeing is a crucial goal of school design, and education in general. The design of our Qianhai campus is not just unique in the way in which it incorporates elements of our ancient sister school, but even more so in the way in which it supports each and every one of our students' development. We welcome interested families to register for our open house, so that they can experience a King's education up close.


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