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发布者:KSS深圳国王 2023-12-12 08:20:09


作为英国千年名校的首家且直属海外分校,中英校区紧密相连、资源共享、携手共进。在刚刚过去的深圳市前海国王国际学校5周年建校日庆典中,英国坎特伯雷国王学校校董会荣誉主席Dr. Robert Willis爵士、副中尉也奔赴万里来到深圳,代表英国本部与深圳校区共同庆贺这一重要节日。

深圳市前海国王国际学校校董会主席Mr. Justin Kung(左)与Dr. Robert Willis爵士、副中尉(右)合影留念

多年来,Dr. Robert Willis爵士、副中尉一直担任英国坎特伯雷国王学校校董会主席一职,并一手推动国王学校来到中国,落地深圳。我们特别采访了Dr. Robert Willis,希望从他的角度,深入了解中英校区的紧密联系以及深圳前海将如何传承纯正英式教育。





Dr. Robert Willis一手推动英国坎特伯雷国王学校落地深圳,传承1400多年的卓越英式教育将在前海续写辉煌。2018年1月,Dr. Robert Willis与恒裕集团主席龚俊龙先生正式签订合作协议,共同翻开划时代的教育新篇章。




时隔五年,Dr. Robert Willis再次来到深圳校区,他非常欣慰看到深圳校区是如何给英国本校赋能的。更深刻地感受到,即使相隔万里,中英校区始终秉承着同样的教育理念,也必将坚定地忠于彼此



此外,教职员工之间也会进行互访交流。例如深圳校区创校总校长Mr. Geoff Cocksworth在英国坎特伯雷国王学校执教和管理20多年,2018年来到中国,开始全身心投入到深圳校区的建设;中小学体育和心理学老师Ms. Megan Cookson也从英国校区转到深圳校区任教,为学生们带来原汁原味的英式教育。英国坎特伯雷国王学校的新任校长Ms. Jude Lowson也计划于2024年4月到访深圳校区,中英校区的紧密联系,由此可见一斑!




四个院舍以四位杰出的国王校友命名,分别为莎士比亚同时代的著名剧作家Christopher Marlowe,发现血液循环的内科医生William Harvey和著名人文主义学者及英国皇家内科医生Thomas Linacre,以及英国坎特伯雷国王学校校董会荣誉主席并全力支持深圳国王学校成立的Dr. Robert Willis。深圳国王学校希望这些独特且意义非凡的院舍名字能激励学生不断开拓进取,在各个领域取得非凡成就。













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Milestones in King's School history

As the first overseas campus of an ancient British school, we are closely connected to our sister school in Canterbury, sharing resources and supporting each other's progress. We recently held our 5th Foundation Day in Shenzhen, which was attended by the Chairman Emeritus of the King's School Canterbury, Dr Robert Willis, KStJ, DL, who made the journey to China to celebrate this major milestone with us in person.

Chairman of the Board of KSS, Mr Justin Kung (left), and Chairman Emeritus of KSC, Dr Robert Willis, KStJ, DL (right) at the Foundation Day celebrations

Dr Willis served as the Chairman of the Board of Governors at The King's School, Canterbury for many years, and played a decisive role in bringing King's to Shenzhen. We took the opportunity presented to us by his visit to interview him about his views on the school expanding into China, the close connection between the two schools, and how to provide a truly British education here in Shenzhen's Qianhai.

A thousand-year-old British 

public school arrives in Qianhai


The King's School, Canterbury was founded over 1,400 years ago in the year 597 CE, when China was ruled by emperor Wen of the Sui dynasty, making it not only the oldest school in Europe, but one of the oldest continually-operating schools in the entire world. In 1541, the school was re-founded by King Henry VIII, and became the first school in the world to officially bear the name “King's School”. The school received a new Royal Charter in 1946 from King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

In the 21st century, the school began exploring opportunities to expand overseas. The decision on where to open the first overseas King's School campus was naturally preceded by a patient and critical selection process. After numerous rounds of discussions and in-person visits, Shenzhen, China, was chosen as its location, bringing together a long and rich history and the unlimited potential of the modern age. 

In making the decision to bring The King's School to Shenzhen, Dr Willis initiated a glorious new phase in British education's 1,400-year record of excellence. In January of 2018, Dr Willis and the Chairman of the Heng Yu Group, Mr. Kung Chun Lung, formally signed the cooperation agreement establishing The King's School Shenzhen, beginning a defining new chapter in global education.

What form does the close 

cooperation between 

KSS and KSC take?


A thousand years of history has come to Qianhai. One of the key differences between KSS and other international schools in the area is its close connection to its sister school. From the outset, King's has maintained a strict set of requirements to ensure the creation of a network of outstanding schools. The aim of establishing a campus in Shenzhen was and is to have two schools that share a true and deep connection of a kind that is not possible in a large, corporate school network.

Five years after his previous visit, Dr Willis once again came to Shenzhen, where he expressed his satisfaction at seeing the benefits that KSS has brought to KSC. To his delight, though our two schools are separated by thousands of miles, they have always adhered to their shared educational philosophy and remained true to each other.

The close relationship between our two schools and shared resources and goals are not only evident from our joint commitment to the cognitive and emotional development of our students, but also manifest in a variety of other ways. In addition. The students of The King's School, Canterbury know that there is another aspect to their school, namely that it has a campus in Shenzhen, one of the world's most modern cities, and that every year students of KSS go to Canterbury to study at KSC on our Summer Programme or Exchange Programme

2023 Summer Programme at KSC

Furthermore, teaching staff at our two schools are also in close contact. The Founding Executive Principal of KSS, Mr Geoff Cocksworth, worked at KSC as a teacher and school leader for over twenty years before coming to China in 2018 and dedicating all his efforts to the new school in Shenzhen. Another example is our Prep School P.E. and psychology teacher, Ms Megan Cookson, who likewise joined us directly from KSC to help us provide our students with an authentic British education. The new Head of The King's School, Canterbury, Ms Jude Lowson, is scheduled to visit KSS for the first time in April of next year, further demonstrating the close bond between our two schools. 

King's House culture


The House system has a long history, dating back to the Middle Ages, and is a key part of what defines a British education. As the first overseas campus of Britain's oldest school, KSS is naturally continuing this tradition. 

Our four Houses are all named after distinguished alumni of The King's School. They are Christopher Marlowe, a famous playwright who was a contemporary of Shakespeare; William Harvey, a physician who discovered the circulation of blood in the body; Thomas Linacre, a well-known humanist scholar and founder of the Royal College of Physicians; and Dr Robert Willis, Chairman Emeritus of The King's School, Canterbury, who lent his full support to the establishment of The King's School Shenzhen. We hope that these special and significant House names encourage our students to keep challenging themselves, and to achieve extraordinary results in their manifold pursuits.


the House of Art,

a boys House


the House of Science,

a girls House


the House of Philosophy, a boys House


the House of Literature, a girls House

The House system exemplifies the expectations that King's educators have for their students. At KSS, we regularly organise House activities to boost students' self-esteem, self-awareness, sense of belonging, integrity, and pride. All members are expected to display the spirit of their House, and to win House points and glory for it in their own way. During November's House Indoor Sports Event, students from a range of year groups took to the 'field' to win glory for their House by giving their all as a team.

2023 House Indoor Sports Event

Our House system is underpinned by our fantastic pastoral care provision, which is centred on respecting students' independence and allowing them to fully develop their talents. By living and learning together, students from different age groups quickly form a close-knit school community. The communal spirit that the House system fosters will serve our students well for the rest of their lives.


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