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《闪闪发光的少年》第五期 不被定义的斜杠少女Kaman

发布者:MIS曼彻斯通城堡学校 2024-09-11 09:19:09






The summer holidays have just ended, and Shenzhen MIS School has been overwhelmed by good news. This year an outstanding 43% of the examinations taken by MIS students were at A* grade, another great achievement.

The IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education), was created by the University of Cambridge in the UK and is for 14 to 16 year olds. It is regarded as the gold standard qualification and is widely recognised by top universities around the world. The good results achieved this time also inspire the AS students to have more confident about their future studies.






Kaman, a Year 12 student, is one of the many outstanding students who has achieved A* grades in all four of her IGCSE subjects. The resilience, self-discipline and constant pursuit of excellence that she has shown in her studies have helped Kaman in all aspects of her academic life.

 ‘I think the best way to stay focused on your studies is not to focus too much on one thing, we should have multiple interests and hobbies so that different areas of the brain can each get a good rest.’ Outside of the classroom, Kaman doesn't fall under any of the labels that the outside world has ‘framed’ her with.

She loves to learn and can speak several languages. She loves to work out and plays ball games. She loves music, singing and playing drums ......

Kaman, a slash girl who strives to shine in the world of passion, came up to the stage delivering an elegant speech with a quick-witted mind, switching between multiple languages with ease. Her profound knowledge and good manners amazed all the audiences.

Standing on the green field, Kaman was a fast mover. She leads great teamwork with her sport team members, showing her extraordinary personal ability and teamwork spirit.

Standing in the centre of the stage under the spotlight, with the exciting drum beat and her clear singing voice, Kaman's small body releases radiant energy.

These hobbies, as Kaman said above, is greatly shaping her personalities, and is very helpful releasing all the stressful emotions in her mind.而

It was Kaman’s wide range of interests and hobbies that made her choose MIS as her dream school three years ago.

It’s just a feeling, MIS gives every student freedom to explore what they’re interested in and to discover their potentials.

MIS has always been committed to providing students with a rigorous and solid academic programme that blends Chinese and Western style of curriculum. With the passion and the pursuit of excellence it advocates, MIS leads students towards the right direction of life, allowing them to not only excel in academics, but also to find a suitable path for their own development and pursue the things they love and have passion for.

Kaman also has a clear plan for her future education. She has always been a ‘restlessness’ girl, particularly fond of biology and chemistry. Now UK Cambridge University and the medical schools of the Ivy League universities in the US have become her dream destination.

In Kaman's opinion, choosing two difficult subjects not only stimulates her motivation to learn and also drives her to push the limits, and in return, when she achieves what she works for, it boosts her confidence and makes her work harder.

Talking about her own learning experience, Kaman said, ‘Before each exam, I would work on lot of questions based on past exams and summarise the knowledge logically, so as to learn new things from the past. In addition, maintaining a positive and optimistic mindset is also important.

Kaman also mentioned that her teachers had a profound impact on her academic development at MIS. With the guidance of her teachers, she learnt how to balance her academic development and her hobbies and interests, and to maintain passionate for them. She has been able to actively participate in international competitions when she has free time out of her own study, so as to help pursuing academic excellence and laying a solid foundation for her future.

The journey ahead will be full of challenges and opportunities. We look forward to seeing Kaman pursue her dream with confidence and determination. Bright future awaits you!
























对于自己未来的升学之路,Kaman也有着清晰的规划。血液里一直流淌着“不安分” 因子的Kaman,尤其偏爱生物和化学,英国剑桥大学和美国藤校的医学院便成了她此时心神向往的殿堂。









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