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ISNS Top Grades Class of 2024|解读2024届毕业生出色成绩单

发布者:ISNS深圳市南山外籍人员子女学校 2024-08-02 08:42:16

We are thrilled to share the remarkable achievements of the International School of Nanshan Shenzhen (ISNS) Class of 2024 in both the IB Diploma Programme and the Canadian Diploma Programme.

Academic Achievements Overview

Our Class of 2024 students have demonstrated exceptional academic performance, and the results speak volumes about their dedication and talent.

IB Diploma Programme Highlights

* 100% Pass Rate:

Every student in our IB Diploma Programme succeeded, reflecting the excellence of our academic environment!

* Top Score of 44:

Our highest achiever scored an impressive 44 out of 45, setting a high standard for excellence.

* Average DP Score of 37.75:

Our students consistently outshine, surpassing the global average of 30.32.

* Average Subject Grade of 6:

On a scale of 1 to 7, our students averaged a remarkable score of 6, demonstrating strong performance across all subjects.

* 25% Achieved 43 or Above:

A quarter of our students scored 43 or higher, showcasing their exceptional academic abilities.

* 62.5% Earned Bilingual Diplomas:

The majority of our graduates also received bilingual diplomas, emphasizing their advanced language skills and global readiness.

Canadian Diploma Programme (NB) Highlights

* 100% Pass Rate:

All students enrolled in the Canadian Diploma Programme successfully graduated.

* Highest Score of 93.76:

Our student achieved a high score of 93.76 out of 100.

Subject Performance Analysis

ISNS students excelled in a variety of subjects. Here are some highlights comparing  with the world averages with ISNS scores:

  • Math AA HL: 6.80(World average:4.86 )

  • Math AA SL: 6.80(World average:4.54 )

  • English A HL: 5.80(World average:4.72 )

  • Biology HL: 6.20(World average:4.42)

  • Physics HL: 7.00(World average:4.85 )

*** The full score is 7.

University Acceptances

We are proud to announce that our graduates have received offers from top universities around the world:

  • 51% of offers from universities in the USA

  • 23% of offers from universities in the UK

  • 16% of offers from universities in Canada

  • Other offers include Europe (5%), Oceania (4%), and Asia (2%).

The information accurately reflects the percentage of university offers received from various regions, rather than the actual destinations of the students.


ISNS students have been awarded scholarships totaling over 20 million RMB, reflecting their academic and holistic capabilities.

These amazing achievements reflect our students' dedication and the unwavering support of our teachers. At ISNS, we are committed to fostering students who are prepared for the global stage while caring for our local community.

Once again, congratulations to all our graduates of the Class of 2024! We look forward to seeing you continue to shine in the future!

Slode to English

今天我们非常自豪地向大家分享深圳南山外籍人员子女学校 (ISNS) 2024 届毕业学在IB文凭课程和加拿大文凭课程中取得的出色成绩!


ISNS 的 2024 届毕业生在学术上展现了卓越的表现,我们的成绩单展示了他们的努力和才华。


* 100% 通过率:


* 分44分:


* 平均DP分数37.75:


* 平均学科成绩6分:


* 25% 学生取得43分或以上:


* 62.5% 获得双语文凭:


加拿大文凭课程 (NB) 亮点

* 100% 通过率:


* 成绩93.76分:



ISNS 学生在多个学科领域表现出色。以下是部分学科取得的成绩:

  • 数学 AA HL:6.80(世界平均成绩:4.86 )

  • 数学 AA SL:6.80(世界平均成绩:4.54)

  • 英语 A HL:5.80(世界平均成绩:4.72)

  • 生物 HL:6.20(世界平均成绩:4.42)

  • 物理 HL:7.00(世界平均成绩:4.85)




  • 美国大学51%的录取通知书

  • 英国大学23%的录取通知书

  • 加拿大大学16%的录取通知书

  • 其他地区包括欧洲(5%)、大洋洲(4%)和亚洲(2%)。



ISNS 学生共获得了超过 2000万 人民币的奖学金,充分体现了他们的学术和综合能力。


再次祝贺 2024 届的所有毕业生!我们期待你们在未来继续创造辉煌!

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