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校长说 | SHBS与2024届毕业生共庆卓越录取成果

发布者:上海宏润博源 2024-04-23 08:20:41


SHBS is proud to celebrate the many wonderful offers received by the Class of 2024!


Our students have developed greater self-confidence, explored their intellectual interests, and honed their leadership skills in a wide variety of extracurricular activities.


While lists and rankings can provide a snapshot of students’ accomplishments, they only tell a small part of a much larger, much more meaningful process of learning and personal growth. 


Students’ applications are a starting point, in which they reflect upon and refine their own stories. They distill their experiences, share insights garnered from failures and successes, and connect present interests to future ambitions. In telling these stories, SHBS students are frequently praised for their authenticity—for how genuinely they’ve undertaken their learning—and ultimately this is what translates over and again into excellent offers.

录取结果虽常被视为“成果”,但实则是新旅程的起点,为日后的更大成功奠定基石。相较于跻身某些易受操控的排名Top 10或Top 30榜单,SHBS毕业生在大学及未来人生道路上取得的长期成就,显然更具分量。我时常回想起我们的一些毕业生在大学里表现优异、追求转学机会,最近一幕就令我倍感欣慰:一位高中时期表现“普通”的学生,因在大学里的卓越表现,成功获得了加州大学伯克利分校顶尖研究生项目的青睐。

While admissions results are often shared as “outcomes,” in truth they do reflect more of a starting point for a further journey, an early grounding for greater success. More than top 10 or top 30 on any one of a number of arbitrary and manipulable lists, the foundation that SHBS graduates have for long-term achievement, in college and beyond, carries the greatest weight. I think of multiple alumni who earned top marks and pursued transfer opportunities or, just recently, of the happiness I felt in seeing a student who had “middling” performance in high school receive an offer from a top graduate program at UC Berkeley, after having done extremely well in college.


This year, SHBS graduates have indeed found wonderful steppingstones on which to continue their larger journey. They have earned places at flagship public universities; gained full offers—unconditional acceptances—from top UK institutions; been admitted to a number of leading liberal arts colleges; and, received significant scholarships from the best universities in Canada.


The breadth of these opportunities reflects the purpose-focused, best-fit approach used in our advising at SHBS: to help students to learn more about themselves, so they can recognize the best sorts of environments for their continued growth.


Just as with our first five years’ graduates, we know the Class of 2024 will continue to excel in a fantastic diversity of meaningful pursuits, reflecting the very best ways the SHBS community has inspired them.

文 | Christopher Moses

翻译 | Wendy

排版 | Jang

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