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模联社:强大社员,强大社团 MUN: Strong members make a strong club

发布者:上海宏润博源 2020-05-02 09:38:06



MUN: Strong members make 

a strong club

上海宏润博源学校模拟联合国队 (SHBS MUN Team) 是一个由学生自主创办的学术竞赛队伍,汇集了来自全校各个年级的优秀学生。模拟联合国队伍成员包括6名各个年级前3,6名全A生,正在迈向一个追求完美,追求精英的学生组织。模拟联合国队旨在“为未来外交官提供展示平台”,秉承“为天地立心,为生民立命”,并不断地自我更新,创造奇迹。

The SHBS MUN Team is a student atonomy academic competition organization. It brings together outstanding students from all grades of the whole school. SHBS MUN consists of 6 students who are the top 3 of different grades and 6 straight A students. They are working hard to build a student organization which keeps striving for perfection and excellence. Shouldering their responsibility for the society and its people, our MUN team aims to "provide a platform for future diplomats ", stay up-to-date, and work miracles.


Due to its special organization, it is verydifficult to conduct most of the training projects online for MUN. Therefore, Sam Cai Hanxiao, founder of the club and other club members turned their attention to the acquisition of basic knowledge. For more than 2 months of online training, they have learned "formal logic" systematically, which has effectively improved their critical thinking ability. It was Sam who decided on what to study and dedesigned the course. Hina and William,the two secretaries of the club, on the other hand, took notes and collated them. They said: "Although we may not be able to make the handouts on formal logic absolutely systematic and professional, they can, in the meantime,serve as the introductory materials for those have weak foundation. We hereby share these handouts by having them published on our school Wechat official Account. Students and other readers who are interested in the MUN project are welcomed to study and read these handouts.” 




1)      Father of formal logic: Aristotle

2)      Case: William: Sam, who are you talking with?

 Sam: I’m talking with nobody

 William: Who’s “nobody”?

Analyzation: Here, William played a linguistic game on “names” vs. “quantifiers”

3)      Names ≠ quantifiers

4)      Some examples for quantifiers: nobody[0人], somebody[若干人], everybody[群体中的一个人]

5)      In language, none is none. 在语言中,没有就是没有



I. Names vs. Quantifiers

              A. “Nobody” is a quantifier that represents the state of non-existence.

              B. “Existence” and “non-existence” exist.

              C. Q: Is nothing something?

Both nothing and something are quantifiers. However, nothing represents the state of non-existence while something represents the state of existence.

              D. Postulate[公理;假设,假定]

                Postulates are non-provable beliefs.

                     Eg1. Postulate: A line is straight.

                     Eg2. Segment Addition Postulate.

       II. Basis of logic

A.    Truth value/ validity[有效性](中性词){negative=invalid; positive= valid}

a.       Proposition[命题]

Positive = √

Negative= ×


B.     Conditionals & their validity

Conditionals(条件句): If…then…

a.       The assumption before “then” is a premise[前提条件].

b.      The conclusion after “then” is a  conclusion.

e.g.: Conditional         a. If Leo joins MUN, then, he’ll get smarter.

-validity: negative. Since smart= IQ and IQ of a person cannot be changed.

→ If Leo joins MUN, then, he’ll get more rational.

-validity: positive


b. If Charlotte practices calligraphy every day, then, she’ll improve her skill.

                              -validity: positive.

                     Conditional: If…then…

c.       4 types of validity for conditional

   i.              Positive

  ii.              Negative

  iii.              Deductive[推论有效性]

  iv.              Inductive [归论有效性]

III. Family of conditional


                                     If… then…

1.      Converse: A. If a, then b. / B. If b, then a   逆命题

2.      Inverse: if a, then b. / If not a, then not b. not: a negation否命题

3.      Contrapositive: If a, then b. / If not b, then not a.  逆否命题

 IV. “Or” & “And”

p∩q => p and q  “∩”and

p∪q => p or q       “∪”or



If Murphy has chosen to:        Confess             Not confess

Then Allen’s best choice:        Confess                Confess


If Allen has chosen to:            Confess            Not Confess

Then Murphy’s best choice:    Confess                Confess



Truth table 真值表

Truth table: to represent all the kinds of relationships between two objects.


In this picture, s, p have a non-contiguous relation (不接壤关系)

It means whatever s or p is, they have no relationship.


In this picture, s, p has a sharing part

 It means some part in s and p is same


In this picture, s is bigger than p and p is included in s

It means all p is in s but there is still other part in s


In this picture, s is p

It means the description of s is the description of p

Here is the problem which we met in the class

Does “some” equals to “all”?

The answer is yes because “some” is belonged in “all”



Name                   Meaning             Notation         Example

Negation(负命题)          No(并非;不)           ¬              ¬P

Conjunction(联言)         And(并且;和)        ^               p ^ q

Disjunction(选言)          Or(或者;要么)  ∨          p∨q

Conditional(假言命题)     If…then (如果…那么) →         p → q


Understand the meaning of every notation and know how to use it

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